10/16/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

That’s always what people who genuinely experience Jesus do, is they have to tell people…when we finally get face to face with Jesus it’s not like ‘I saw what you did the other day! You need to stop doing this, you little sinner!’ No, when we finally get face to face with the real Jesus he says “I see your hurts, I see your pains. I am moved with the deepest form of compassion possible and how about we start a journey of healing now.‘” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the many testimonies and the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let us seek God together for a movement of his Kingdom transformation to come in our lives and communities!  


Prayer Requests

  1. COMPASSION AND COURAGE: Please pray that God would fill us with the gut level compassion of Jesus and help us to step out in courage to love others!


  1. MEET THE BLIND MONTH: October is Meet the Blind Month.  Please pray that we would be able to “see” the blind in our communities with God’s love and grow in understanding and presence to them.  https://www.nfb.org/programs-services/meet-blind-month