11/28 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Updates

“Wherever our hearts are at, we can give ourselves to God. Maybe that means we need to stop ourselves at some point in the day and ask ‘Jesus, what do you want me to do today?’ Maybe we listen to His still small voice when we are interacting with people, even difficult people, throughout the day, of how to love them better…We trust Jesus and keep putting ourselves out there to love others. We don’t wait for the feelings. We take the actions of love and THEN the feelings will come.” – David Kitani

If you missed the message this past Sunday “Haters Gonna Hate, Christians Gonna Love” by Dave Kitani, or want to listen to it again (at least the final 3rd of the message which we recorded 😉 ) click this link for the sermon audio!


  1. Final Freedom Session: This coming Sunday morning will be our last Freedom Session on the topic of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join us if you’re interested at 9:15am!
  2. Potluck Sunday: This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of the month so that means potluck lunch! Bring a dish to share with your church family and lets enjoy some time together!
  3. Voices Rising Book Talk: Two sisters from our church each wrote a chapter in Voices Rising, a book written completely by women of color who share their stories of what they’ve learned following Jesus and serving people around the world. Claudia Salazar and Teresa Ku-Borden, will be speaking briefly about the book and offering it for sale for $15 on Sunday in the back sanctuary during our Potluck lunchtime!
  4. World Mandate West: World Mandate West is an annual conference put on by our church association in San Diego to encourage believers in their role in God’s kingdom plan. The early bird registration deadline for WMW is coming up soon! If you are interested in attending on the weekend of Jan 25-26th PLEASE contact Dave <david.kitani@servant.partners.org> as soon as possible! It is $40 for folks age 12 and up and $30 for children. If you’d like to volunteer at the event there will be a discount!

Prayer Requests

  1. Persevering Prayer for Chris: Pastor Chris, had another flare up of his colitis this weekend but thankfully he has avoided any ER trip. Please continue to persevere in prayer for our lead pastor’s full healing and recovery!
  2. Valeria: Doctors have found that Valeria (Liz Robledo’s teen daughter) had excessive fluid that got into her brain, causing headaches, nausea, and disruption of normal functions. Please pray for full healing in Valeria’s body and peace for the family.
  3. Love in Action: Please pray that we would give our hearts to God and he would empower us to love in action and in truth as needed for those in need!