11/6/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“All of humanity’s wine has run out…at the cross He pours out his red blood that never stops flowing over our mistakes, over our sin, over our worst moments – grace upon grace upon grace – inviting us into a party where it never ever runs out.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the powerful REAL life baptism testimonies this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING: We will be holding our annual member meeting after service this Sunday Nov. 10th.  All are welcome to attend but only official voting members can cast ballots (please contact Dave if you’re interested in becoming a voting member for next year)!  We need at least 50% of official members present for the vote to count!


Prayer Requests

JESUS TO FILL US : Please pray that we would ask and trust Jesus to provide what is BEST to fill us up with what we need!