12/25/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We learn how to give good gifts from God Himself.  He is our model and inspiration. He is the one who saw our great need…Yet, instead of leaving us to figure it out on our own, He gave everything to save us…the most precious that He had, He gave His only son. I want you to stop right there. I will never give anyone my children…It is almost impossible for my brain to understand God giving us selfish, sinful, rebellious people His only son, knowing that we were going to make Him suffer in every imaginable way…you cannot outgive God.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the Christmas message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



1) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We celebrate that our savior, our Lord, our hope was born into our world!


2) END OF YEAR SERVICE: Come join us on Sunday 12/29 at 11:30am for a special end of the year service, reflecting on Jesus and His word for us into 2020!  


Prayer Requests

GIVE OURSELVES TO JESUS AND OTHERS: Please pray that we recognize the priceless gift of Jesus in this season and that we give ourselves to Him and others in need as He has given Himself to us.