12/5 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Updates

“If you want to pray that our government will open up its borders, you need to first hear God tell you that you need to open up your home…Do not demonize people who are just living out on a public scale what you are living out. We got to hear this word for ourselves and then pray it and push it for those who have a lot of power. We need to all open up our homes, our hearts, and our lives to people that are different from us.”

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Seeking Shalom (Responding to the Migrant Crisis)” given by Pastor Chris Rattay.   



1. PACKING PARTY FOR MIGRANT CRISIS: Our church is partnering with Hope Church of East LA and churches in Tijuana to respond to the crisis. Please see this link on how you can contribute now (even the smallest contribution helps). This Sunday, 12/9, after church we’ll have a “packing party” to fill backpacks with donated supplies for migrants and families at the border.

2. VOICES RISING: This Sunday Voices Rising will be offered for sale at $15.  Our very own church members, Claudia Salazar and Teresa Ku-Borden, each wrote a chapter in the book, which was all written by women of color who share their stories of what they’ve learned following Jesus and serving people around the world!  Come talk to the authors and get the book as wonderful gift of testimonies of Jesus, so needed in this season!

3. YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY: Our Youth Ministry, PassionLA is having a Christmas Party Wed Dec 12th at 6:30pm. AND THE PARENTS OF THE TEENS ARE INVITED!!! There’ll be a special dinner, raffle prizes, games, a Christmas message, & supervision for younger children, and so your whole family can come!  This is an opportunity to deepen your connection to the YM, and also help us reach the parents of the teens who aren’t as involved.

Prayer Requests

1. MIGRANT CRISIS: Please pray that God would open up our hearts as well as our countries leaders hearts to help the most vulnerable in need, like the migrants at the border escaping danger and violence in their home countries.  

2. EILEEN: Please pray for healing and peace for our sister in Jesus, Eileen.  Pain has resurfaced in her pelvis, back, hip, and left femur from her accident this past spring and she was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, widespread pain of the muscles.