3/18/20 NLCC Weekly Update

We are realizing that all of our wisdom, all of our technology, all of our money – it is still just an illusion of control. We are not all powerful. We can easily be brought down by a single sneeze or a single cough…we are in need of a power beyond us…He does not offer us a life where we avoid death, he offers us a life where we are victorious over it.” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message or livestream this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!


1. WHY WE KEEP PHYSICAL DISTANCE: In Jesus, we are no longer slaves to fear but we are freed to love. One way we can love our neighbors, especially our most physically vulnerable, is to “flatten the curve” by keeping good physical distance and staying home as much as possible. Here’s a great video on what that means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3aT6hlGFw0

2. WHY WE KEEP RELATIONAL CLOSENESS: We should keep physical good distance but we should not be relationally distant.  We need spiritual community (now we can do it virtually) to keep on ENcouraging one another (Hebrews 10:24-25) until we see Jesus face to face.  Please join a Life Group by contacting a Life Group Leader to see how you can join in (https://newlifecommunitylh.wordpress.com/life-group-information/).


Prayer Request:

LOVE FOR THE VULNERABLE: Please pray that we would not be ruled by fear but rather to be faithful to love Jesus and one another in these times as we adjust to the needs of the most vulnerable (elderly, those with underlying health issues, and health care workers) in our community.