4/10/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“This love of God is so powerful that He came close to us, took on our suffering as His own, laid down His life for our sins, brought us back to life, is familiar with all our brokenness and even now WANTS to spend time with us, so intimate that He chooses to live in us. THAT is the love that is in us. Don’t tell me that kind of love is not powerful enough to break down any barriers!” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “New Life Identity Part 4: Working Out Unity Through Differences


ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: Full payment is due THIS Sunday 4/14 for our joint All-Church Spring Retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) with Hope Community Church of East LA!  You can make payment here (next to the line “retreat fund”: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O   

If you haven’t already, be sure sign-up here: https://bit.ly/2GusoZ1

Prayer Requests

  1. THAT WE’D BE ONE: Please join in on the prayer of Jesus that we believers would be one, just as Jesus is one with the Father, and is in us…so that the world will know that God loves them!

  1. FIRST LOVE: Please pray that we would not only persevere in the good work he’s given us to do but that we’d return to the love that we had at first for Jesus!