5/8/19 NLCC Weekly Update

19 Spring Retreat PictureSermon Update

We had a great time hearing his voice through His word at the retreat this weekend, in the book of Judges 6 & 7.  Here were the themes of the sessions:

  • Friday PM: We can cry out to our Heavenly Father to see His Kingdom manifest in our midst (Matthew 6:9)
  • Saturday AM: God is with us, even when we can’t see Him in our midst because we’re so caught up with our fears (Judges 6:1-24)!
  • Saturday PM: God is with us, so we can drive out idols that take us away from His all-consuming love (Judges 6:25-32)!
  • Sunday AM: God is with us, to fight our battles in a different way than we’re used to and encouraging us through others (Judges 7:1-16, 22)!



  1. MOTHER’S DAY: Please invite your mother’s, and/or if you’re a mother yourself, to Sunday service as we’d like to honor them!  


  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY: This coming Sunday 5/12 is also potluck Sunday so please bring a dish to share with your spiritual family!   


Prayer Requests

  1. PRAISE: Praise God for an awesome joint family retreat with Hope Community Church of East LA!  People gave themselves to Jesus and were empowered by His word!


  1. GOD IS WITH US: Please pray that we’d step into our battles with courage knowing that God is with us, to hear us when we cry out, to drive out idols, and to fight our battles in ways we couldn’t imagine.