7/17/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

We don’t ask because we doubt that Jesus will give us anything. This probably happens because we’ve asked before and received nothing or at least we think we received nothing. Now Jesus will answer us but we need to know he will give us what we need before he gives us what we want.” – Gustavo Galvan


If you missed the mission testimonies this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the testimonies of God’s work (audible at 3:10 mark): http://www.podcastgarden.com/episode/etc-mission-trip-testimonies_146852?fbclid=IwAR33hO_sRSzPPk2W_U0ElQ7F0JRyXy9CW6iyUPbBqJamarhKC3B87SXl7i8



  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room and we will be sure to lift up prayer to His throne room!  


  1. BAKE SALE FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: The elementary children’s ministry is hosting an ice coffee and bake sale fundraiser after church service THIS Sunday 7/21! The children are excited to show off their designed cupcakes and all funds will go to support the cool things the children’s ministry will be doing! 


  1. BUSINESS STARTING CLASS: Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Or trying to expand your side hustle? Elevate Equity is offering a 4-week entrepreneurship class this August. All are welcome, no prior knowledge required! If you are interested contact Thomas Irwin at 703-772-6033 or at thomasirwin13@gmail.com or sign up at this link: https://form.jotform.com/91624498439167


Prayer Requests

ASK GOD IN FAITH: Please pray that we would ask God for what we need in faith, focused on Jesus.  And as we do His light would shine through us as an encouragement to others!