8/28/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“One way I can tell where I’m at is if I find myself being more critical than thankful. When I find that I am being more critical of others it’s a sign I’m getting away from God’s grace, that my eyes are out of whack with God’s. So how’s your vision? Is your default to give criticism or to give thanks?” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY 9/1: This Sunday 9/1 is Potluck Sunday!  Please bring a dish so we can share a meal and time together after service!  


  1. OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let us ask God together for his Kingdom to come and his will to be done in our lives and communities!  


Prayer Requests

EYES OF GOD’S GRACE: Please pray that God would help us to see not only ourselves but others with His eyes of grace.