8/7/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We pray that God would give us things but do we pray that he take things?” – Jairo Sarmiento

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get a recording of this past Sunday’s message but here is a link to the audio of past messages!



ETC GRADUATION: This Sunday 8/11 There will be a free taco lunch to celebrate our ETC (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) graduates!  And IF you are able you are welcome to stay for the graduation at 2pm in the sanctuary.


Prayer Requests

    1. RE-ENCOUNTERS WITH GOD: Please pray that God would help us to re-encounter   with God in ways that would make us lay down anything that keeps us from Him.  
    2. PEACE OVER VIOLENCE: Please pray that Jesus would root out the violence in our own hearts and community, replacing it with the healing and peace of His presence.