9/18/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Any time you stand for him He will find you. He doesn’t promise that it’s always going to go well when you stand for Him, but He promises that He will always find you and it will go really well between you and Him.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The challenge for the week of 9/15 is to speak the name of Jesus in your conversation with a stranger or someone for whom it may be a risk to do so.


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/19 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. D-SCHOOL INFO MEETING SUN 9/22: If you are interested in going deeper and farther with Jesus we will have a Discipleship School information meeting this Sunday 9/22 after church.  Please let @Dave Kitani know if you can make it!  


  1. LH COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR, SAT 9/28: Please save the date of Saturday 9/28 from 9am-1pm @LH REC Center for a free community health fair.  The event is totally free for those who come including food, activities for children, health professionals to give treatment, dental screenings, and other health resources for the whole family!  Health Fair SpanishHealth Fair 


Prayer Requests

COURAGE TO SPEAK OF JESUS: Please pray that we would take courage in His love to speak of Jesus’ healing in our lives to others!