9/4/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“If you only study the bible intellectually you will not grow in faith…you study the bible so that you know the kind of risk that you must take in your life…Faith and trust in Jesus can only grow as you put yourself in a position where you can’t trust yourself or other people or anything, it’s gotta be Jesus or I drown.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S RISK CHALLENGE: With our new series on risk we are aiming to have a specific risk challenge of faith each week.  This week the challenge is to start a conversation with someone who is not in your usual circle of family or friends.  


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/5 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. D-SCHOOL 2020 INTEREST MEETING: If you are interested in going deeper with Jesus and stepping into really letting him lead your life, please prayerfully consider our D-School that goes from Jan to July.  Please contact Dave Kitani to sign-up for an info. meeting scheduled for Sunday 9/22 after church.   


Prayer Requests

GETTING OUT OF THE BOAT: Please pray that we believers would grow in faith by stepping out of our comfort zone and usual circle of friends to love on others.