New Life Weekly Update 3/14/2021

It was so good to see you all this past week at our outdoor service! In case you missed it, here is a recording for you to enjoy!

Just a reminder that we will be having our first mobile vaccine clinic right here at New Life Church this Saturday March 20th, from 10am-6pm, and a 2nd clinic on March 27th! The county has decided to allow us to follow the county’s new guidelines for getting vaccinated, which means all people over 65, essential workers, and people with certain pre-existing conditions are eligible. We still have plenty of slots left, so please grab a flyer and eligibility sheet, and encourage your friends and family to get vaccinated. To register or learn more, please visit our website at or ask Thomas

We know COVID has had significant financial impacts on many renters in our neighborhood, so This Thursday, March 18th at 6pm, We will be hosting a Renter’s workshop along with other organizations in the community on Zoom. The Workshop will explain how you can apply for the rental relief program that starts this week, and other strategies for staying in your home during this time. This will be useful both for those in need, and for leaders in our church who want to be a resource to others in this time. Learn more and sign up at

We are excited to announce the start of our community listening project, where we will take time to have conversations with as many members of our community as we can to know what community priorities they have as COVID winds down. To take the survey and share it with your family and friends, go to If you would like to help out, contact