New Life Update 6.27.21

We were so excited to see everyone this past Sunday! In case you missed it, here is a recording of this past Sunday!

We are still looking for volunteers to help with children’s ministry! We ask that all parents and regular attenders please consider serving our kids! Serving our Kids is a reflection of God’s heart for children and our calling to care for the least among us. If you are interested, please talk to Teresa Manzano, our children’s ministry director, after church, or her at

Indoor Services

We are excited to be back to be meeting indoors at full capacity! We ask that you still work with our ushers to reserve the last two rows of the sanctuary for newcomers and parents of young kids.

Also, feel free to join us from 10:30 to 11:30 for coffee and snacks before church. Adriana is looking for volunteers to bring pan dulce or other treats before church. If you are interested in helping, email her at