New Life Update 3.06.2022

Thanks to those who joined us this past Sunday for our time of gathering and worship together! In case you missed our worship time, above is a video recording, and below is an audio recording of our time together! 

We are excited to announce that we now are sending announcements and text reminders in Spanish! To join, text “@nv2618” to the phone number 81010, Visit, or talk to Vero McLane!

¡Nos complace anunciar que ahora estamos enviando anuncios y recordatorios de texto en español! Para unirse, envíe un texto con la palabra “@nv2618” al número de teléfono 81010, visite o hable con Vero McLane.

Spring Retreat

There is still time to register for our spring 2022 retreat! The retreat will be May 13-15th in Forest Homes, California. To sign up, visit OR see Thomas after church.