New Life Update 3.13.22

Thanks to those who joined us this past Sunday for our time of gathering and worship together! In case you missed our worship time, above is a video recording, and below is an audio recording of our time together! 

A few weeks ago, Chris preached on silence and solitude, and we want to provide an opportunity for us to practice this collectively! On Saturday, March 19, we will gather at Lincoln Park from 10 am to 12 pm. Chris will give us a reflection, and then we will break up to find a place to walk or be still. Take a chance and join us and see how God shows up! Meet near Plaza de la Raza.

We are excited to announce that we now are sending announcements and text reminders in Spanish! To join, text “@nv2618” to the phone number 81010, Visit, or talk to Vero McLane!

¡Nos complace anunciar que ahora estamos enviando anuncios y recordatorios de texto en español! Para unirse, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra “@nv2618” al número de teléfono 81010, visite o hable con Vero McLane.

Pray for our Youth as they head up to their retreat this coming Friday! They will be there through next Sunday. Pray that God would be working in their hearts and minds, and to bond them to each other as they spent the weekend together!