New Life Update 7.31.2022

Thanks to those who joined us this past Sunday for our time of gathering and worshiping together! In case you missed our worship time, above is a video recording, and below is an audio recording of our time together! 

World Mandate LA is coming to El Sereno on Saturday, October 15. $25 for adults and $20 for kids before August 15. It goes up to $40 for adults and $25 for kids after August 15. Stanley from the DR will be one of the main speakers. We will have people to help you register outside after the service.

We want to remind our church family that we have an ongoing mutual aid effort. If you have a need or a situation that our church family can help you through, or if you can offer help to someone else, please let us know by visiting the church website (in your bulletin) or by reaching out to a leader at our church.

Clothing Swap happening Saturday August 13 from 12-2pm. Declutter your closet and bring clothing or items that you would like to swap with others! All remaining items will be donated. Talk with Maggie if you have questions.