2/13/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“…we ‘are being transformed into His image.’ That means we’re NOT gonna look like God RIGHT away. We are BEING transformed into his image. It is a process. We need to be patient with ourselves. With each other. BUT we DO need to have face time with Jesus. We do need that time in personal communication with Jesus: in His word to be shaped by HIS values, in prayer to unleash HIS power in our midst.” – David Kitani  


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “God Is All in All Over Our Sin



  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT DEPOSIT DEADLINE: The deposit deadline for our all church spring retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) is THIS SUNDAY 2/17!  Please sign-up here and put down your deposit ($30 for individuals, $60 for families) to secure your spot.  After 2/17 there will be an additional $10 late fee!


  1. PASSION LA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: PassionLA Teen Program is looking for volunteers to help transform the lives of teens. If you would like to volunteer contact Bobby Lopez or email Admin@PassionLA.org so we can submit your name as a candidate to the ops team.


Prayer Requests

  1. TEEN RETREAT: Please pray for the youth and youth leaders to encounter God in a life transforming way as they are at the Oaks Conference Center this holiday weekend for a Teen Retreat!

    2. KEEP LOOKING ON JESUS: Please pray that we would keep looking on Jesus to be            transformed in freedom over sin and unforgiveness!