2/20/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Jesus walks with us through our struggles so FAR that he knows what’s on the OTHER side!! Jesus is so committed to walking with us that he sees past our failures to when we will get back up and the great things we’re going to step forward into!” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “New Life Church Identity: Walking with People Through Struggles



  1. PASSION LA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: PassionLA Teen Program is looking for volunteers to help transform the lives of teens. If you would like to volunteer contact Bobby Lopez or email Admin@PassionLA.org so we can submit your name as a candidate to the ops team.


  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: If you haven’t already, be sure sign-up here for our joint All-Church Spring Retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) with Hope Community Church of East LA and put down your deposit ($40 for individuals, $70 for families)!  


Prayer Requests

  1. Praise Report for TEEN RETREAT: 50 teens from our PassionLA youth program went on a teen retreat this weekend and many of them were able to give their lives to God!   


  1. WALK WITH PEOPLE THROUGH STRUGGLES: Please pray that we would walk with people through their struggles as Jesus walks with us through our struggles!