3/6/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Cuando nos enmarcamos en una cajita perdemos la visión de lo grande que Dios es. Y de lo que tiene para nuestras vidas…Cuando pensamos ilimitadamente entonces vamos a recobrar nuestra vision (When we put ourselves in a box, we lose sight of how great God is. And what he has for our lives … When we think unlimitedly then we will regain our vision).” – Veronica Torres McLane


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: Atrévete a ser EXTRA”



  1. PASSION LA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: PassionLA Teen Program is looking for volunteers to help transform the lives of teens. If you would like to volunteer, in any way you can, contact Bobby Lopez or email Admin@PassionLA.org so we can submit your name as a candidate to the ops team.


  1. WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE: A number of women of the church are making a call for a healthy weight loss challenge from this Sun. March 10th to June 9th. This is for any woman who would like motivation to lose a few lbs whether it’s to feel better about yourself, a special event, for the summer, or even for all our mommies trying to lose some baby weight. If you’re interested please contact Nubia Rodriguez for further information.


  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: If you haven’t already, be sure sign-up here for our joint All-Church Spring Retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) with Hope Community Church of East LA and put down your deposit ($40 for individuals, $70 for families)!


Prayer Requests

  1. LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Please pray that we would trust and follow Jesus outside of the box of our expectations to step into the good that He has for us.  


  1. FAITH FOR HEALING: As there are many connected to our church body that are going through illness please pray that we would move from praying for healing to speaking healing into bodies in the authority we believers have in the name of Jesus.