6/5/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Individual spirituality is not Christianity, its individual spirituality…that’s Americas new religion…Individual spirituality fundamentally declares that the individual, who is deciding to not build God’s church, is their own god. To be a follower of Jesus is to, with great joy and great loyalty, take your rightful place in building the city of God.” – Pastor Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: The Church as the Alternate City



  1. MISSION SUNDAY: A number of our church family are gearing up for mission trips this summer.  This Sunday 6/9 we will be recognizing our Spanish D-School (ETC) group that is going to San Jose and commissioning Gus to co-lead a group to Malawi, Africa.  Let’s support them (if you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O


  1. HEALING PRAYER AND TESTIMONIES OF HEALING: We as a church want to trust in God that His Kingdom comes with healing as it is in heaven, so please come for prayer on Sundays.  If you have any testimonies of healings or breakthroughs please contact Gus (213) 618-2227 or Dave (323) 620-6270 in Gus’ absence.


Prayer Requests

STEPPING UP TO BUILD HIS KINGDOM: Please pray that we would step up into our God given giftings and roles in building up His church and the Kingdom of God!  


CLEARER CONNECTION WITH GOD: People praying for our church have gotten images of a “fog” keeping people from being able to connect with God as deeply as they could.  Please join us in praying that we would let go of anything that keeps us from seeing and connecting with God in ways that we really need, that any barriers will be broken away completely!