6/19/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Nobody sustains permanent change because of criticism because of lectures because of nagging because of judgement. Will power is never enough. The desire, the emotions are never always going to be there for fathers, mothers, anybody. Fathers will change and keep growing through forgiveness, through honor, through empowerment, and the Spirit of Jesus. Just like all of us.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Father’s Day Message: Transforming Power of the Love of Jesus



SUPPORTING ETC MISSIONARIES FROM OUR CHURCH: Our Spanish D-School group (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) is going on a mission trip to help a sister church in a working-class immigrant neighborhood in San Jose from 7/6-7/13.  Let’s partner with them to love others in need by supporting them in prayer as well as financially (if you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O)


Prayer Requests

  1. GUSTAVO IN MALAWI: Please pray for our brother and elder, Gus Galvan, who is co-leading a mission team in Malawi Africa till 6/30/19!  Pray that God would work in and through our brother to be a blessing to those who have not yet met Jesus as well as to the team he is working with!  


  1. GRACE AND HONOR THAT TRANSFORMS: Please pray that we would live in the undeserved favor God gives us and we would offer that same grace to others, honoring and lifting people up rather than putting them down.