7/10/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“You have to have a lot of boldness to walk up to the most powerful man in the world and say ‘Let my people go'” – Bobby Lopez

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Let My People Go” by Pastor Bobby Lopez



  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: Please join us every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary).  All are welcome to receive and offer prayer for the church family and community! When people work people work, when people pray God works!  


  1. MISSION SHARING SUNDAY: Join us this coming Sunday 7/14 to hear what God did in and through our very own missionaries on their trips to San Jose and Malawi, Africa!  


  1. BUSINESS STARTING CLASS: Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Or trying to expand your side hustle? Elevate Equity is offering a 4-week entrepreneurship class this August. All are welcome, no prior knowledge required! If you are interested, sign up using this link, or contact Thomas Irwin at 703-772-6033 or at thomasirwin13@gmail.com


Prayer Requests

GROWTH OF OUR ETC MISSIONARIES: Please pray that God would use our Spanish-speaking D-School class’ mission trip to San Jose, with our sister church, Shalom Iglesia, this week to deepen their faith and bring them back to us better equipped to reach out to our Spanish speaking community!