11/27/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Jesus flips this image of a yoke on its head by presenting a yoke, a bond, that make things LIGHTER. All other things and people we give and bind ourselves to can make us heavier BUT being bound to Jesus is the only bond that FREES us as opposed to WEIGHING us down.” David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!




  1. COMMUNITY SERVICE IN PLACE OF SUN. 12/1 SERVICE: Next Sunday we will NOT be having regular Sunday service as it is the Lincoln Heights Christmas Parade. In place of Sunday service we will be reaching out to our community that day. If you would like to help with our community outreach that day to pass out pan dulce, hot drinks, and/or offer prayer, please contact Adriana (323) 633-6319!


  1. WORSHIP & SOUND WORKSHOP: If you are on or interested in being a part of the Worship or Sound team, they will be holding a workshop on Sunday Dec. 1st from 1-3p in the front sanctuary.Worshipworkshop


  1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West  (the annual conference of our church association to worship God together and be challenged with God’s heart to reach out to others) will be on Jan 24th-25th in San Diego.  If you’d like to go, please be sure to register and pay by 12/8 to get the early bird price at www.worldmandatewest.com


Prayer Requests

REST IN JESUS: Please pray that we would rest in Jesus, especially in this Thanksgiving season, to remember all that He has done in, through, and around us!