1/22/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Fasting, at its heart, is not eating food for a specific period of time to get more of God’s spirit to fulfill the deep hunger of our souls. We fast from food to feast on God…It develops spiritual muscles so that when we come to forbidden desires…when my body says ‘I want that sex, I want to just express my anger that way, I want to just waste my money that way!’ We say ‘No, you’re gonna get Jesus and He’s better.'” – Pastor Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message (audio is a little low on this recording so it is best heard with headphones)!



1) 10 DAY CHURCH WIDE FAST: Join the church family in our 10 day fast, to fast from the world (anything of your choice outside the water and sleep you need to last) SO THAT we can feast on God and pursue him for the breakthrough we need.  The fast will end on Weds 1/29 evening with a Praise and Prayer night at 7pm @New Life Community Church (2618 Workman St)!



2) 2019 YEAR-END GIVING SUMMARIES: If you gave to New Life in 2019 and would like a tax deductible receipt of the past year’s donation please contact our lead administrator Adriana Villarreal <mjayv2001@gmail.com> and give her your e-mail or mailing address!  


Prayer Requests

HUNGER FOR JESUS: Please pray that we would hunger for more of Jesus than the world and for the breakthrough that is needed!