1/29/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“He teaches us that the purpose of your praying, your fasting, and your giving is to be directed TO God not TO get the praise of people. HOWEVER, when it comes to actually worshipping Jesus, especially when we’re gathered to do so, it is right, good, and proper for us to praise HIM publicly because the whole point of worship is that we’re praising JESUS, not ourselves…Worship is not about US. It’s about HIM.” – David Kitani


Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties we were unable to record Sunday’s sermon but here are the note scripts, if you missed it or would like to check it out again!



1) PRAISE & PRAYER NIGHT WEDS 1/29: Please join us as we finish out our 10 day fast with a Praise & Prayer Night (Tonight, Weds 1/29) at 7pm @2618 Workman St!  Please feel free to invite friends and family as we are trusting God for the healing and breakthrough of Heaven we need right here in our midst! 


2) 2019 YEAR-END GIVING SUMMARIES: If you gave to New Life in 2019 and would like a tax deductible receipt of the past year’s donation please contact our lead administrator Adriana Villarreal <mjayv2001@gmail.com> and give her your e-mail or mailing address!  


Prayer Requests

ALL OUT WORSHIP: Please pray that we would give ourselves regularly to all out worship of our forgiving God and saving Jesus, unafraid of the opinions of others!