3/11/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Our priority is the guest, is the one that doesn’t have someone to run too…this is where our love of Jesus gets translated. If you love the stranger then you love Jesus – that’s what the bible says. Because Jesus is with that stranger.” – Ruben Vargas


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message



CORONA VIRUS CARE: The first case of coronavirus community spread in LA County has been confirmed this week.  We should not be ruled by fear but we do need to be informed (ex. 80% of cases are mild symptoms, and those most at risk for severe symptoms are the elderly and those with chronic health conditions).  With this in mind, please be sure to take basic precautions to prevent any spread.
1. Wash your hands often
2. Avoid close contact with those who are sick
3. Stay home if you are sick (especially if you have fever, sneezing, or cough).  

This is a great official website with the basics you should know: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fabout%2Fprevention-treatment.html  


Prayer Requests

LOVE FOR THE STRANGER: Please pray that we would love and help the stranger feel welcome in our midst, as Jesus has welcomed us.