4/4/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Video

“Are we at a level of forgiveness (with those closest to us) in the way that God forgives us?”” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the service and sermon this past Sunday, or want to watch to it again, here is the link to the video.


  • 1. MORATORIUM ON EVICTIONS: As it is the first of the month, this is just a reminder that there is a temporary moratorium on evictions in LA County. This means that anyone who cannot afford the full amount of their rent is still required to pay rent, but CANNOT be evicted during the crisis. If you are unable to pay, you should notify your landlord ASAP, using this template. IF YOU NEED IMMEDIATE HELP, please email askanattorney@edn.la or call 213/537-5473
  • 2. ON THE U.S. CENSUS: Just a reminder that amid COVID-19, do not forget to fill out the census form! You can do so online by following this link. The census is key to making sure our community can access vital resources! Do not have fear in responding! For those wondering, it is essential to know that:
    • There is no citizenship question on the census, and
    • Census data is CONFIDENTIAL.

Prayer Requests

ESSENTIAL WORKERS: Please pray for the essential workers that help keep us fed and for us to have the utilities we need. Pray that God will continue to protect them and grant them patience as they serve the community.