Bible Resources

Apps for Face Time w/Jesus

Pray as You Go

Pray as you go is a daily guided audio devotional created by the Jesuit order. It is a helpful resource to help you pray, hear scripture, and spend time with Jesus.

Read Scripture

Read Scripture is a helpful app that guides you through the bible on various reading plans, helping you explore core themes as you go.

Dwell App

Dwell app is an audio bible app that includes various bible reading plans for your daily time with Jesus. You can listen to the bible while reading the text, and includes multiple languages and voices

Tools for Understanding Scripture

Bible Project

Bible Project is a non-profit that creates helpful explainer videos covering core biblical themes and books of the bible. They also have a weekly podcast that goes in-depth on various biblical topics, and they also provide free online classes for learning more

Scripture Labs

Scripture Labs is a new site that has designed interactive labs that train you to read and understand the Bible for yourself.

Bible Reading Tools

Bible Hub Online Parallel Bible, search and study tools including parallel texts, cross references, Treasury of Scripture, and commentaries. This site provides quick access to topical studies, interlinears, sermons, Strong’s and many more resources.

Blue Letter Bible is a website where you can read scripture in English while also studying and referencing the original Greek and Hebrew language that underlies the text. It is a really useful resource for small group leaders and anyone who wants to learn to read scripture on a deeper level

Audio Bibles

Bible Experience

Bible Experience is an audio bible read with dramatic background and context, and done with Hollywood voice actors.


More Coming Soon!

Please let us know if you have any bible resources (audio bibles, videos, podcasts, apps, etc) you want to recommend to the church body on the form below