Sermon Update “I have learned that in order to keep my relationship healthy and alive and strong – yes, Jesus is always there, he will never leave your side – but, you need to be active in your pursuit of Him…you have to show up. See that pursuit is what strengthens relationship.” – Jessica GuerreroContinue reading “2/6/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
1/30/19 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “Nothing and no one else but JESUS can actually walk with us and transform us THROUGH the suffering. Any comfort, apart from Jesus, is a false comfort. That is why God calls us out of our comfort zones to find comfort in HIM, yes especially in the suffering.” – David Kitani IfContinue reading “1/30/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
1/23/19 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “…remember God chose you and brought you to THIS church of all places…and he has good work for you to step into, good work that only you are shaped to step into in caring for the ENTIRE person, people only you are uniquely connected to!” – David Kitani If you missed theContinue reading “1/23/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
1/16/19 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “The reason you need to have a no excuses whatever it takes mentality…is because you need to remember that you are royalty…as a member of royal family…God believes that you can represent Him in this world so you need to believe that. You need to commit to the church to live in that.”Continue reading “1/16/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
1/9/19 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “We are always to be asking Jesus, how am I to die to myself in order to truly live, in order to help multiply me into someone else’s life?… If you want more of God’s power in your life and if you want more of his presence in your life you need toContinue reading “1/9/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
01/02/2019 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “May we experientially know this love that is so wide that it reaches out to others, so long that it cannot be stopped, so high that it takes us to places we didn’t think possible, and so deep that it reaches us no matter how far we have strayed.” – David Kitani IfContinue reading “01/02/2019 NLCC Weekly Update”
12/26 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “Our God is cooperative. He invited Mary in, He invited Joseph in to fulfill this mission. He didn’t invite them because He needed them, He invited them in because He wanted them in.” – Bobby Lopez If you missed the Christmas message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, hereContinue reading “12/26 NLCC Weekly Update”
12/19 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Update “”Then I turned to my right and beyond the mountains I seen this beautiful sparking white castle with a white road leading to it. And at that time I felt so comforted. I tried taking a picture and it wouldn’t come out. I got home and told Tavo about it; I was soContinue reading “12/19 NLCC Weekly Update”
12/12 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Updates “Don’t you know what happens when power is weaponized? If we use power in this way how are we any different? How is God’s dream for this earth any different than the nightmares of war and abuse and genocide and oppression…in this world? It is not to be this way with you…what mannerContinue reading “12/12 NLCC Weekly Update”
12/5 NLCC Weekly Update
Sermon Updates “If you want to pray that our government will open up its borders, you need to first hear God tell you that you need to open up your home…Do not demonize people who are just living out on a public scale what you are living out. We got to hear this word forContinue reading “12/5 NLCC Weekly Update”