New Life Update 1.30.2022

Thanks to those who joined us this past Sunday for our time of gathering and worship together! In case you missed our worship time, above is a video recording, and below is an audio recording of our time together!

We are excited to announce that on Feb 27, there will be a joint church service in Pasadena with all our church family from across the city. Hope, West LA, and Epicentre Pasadena will all be there. It will be a time to gather as a wider church family, celebrate what Jesus has done, and focus on the mission that Jesus is inviting us into in the future. There will be lunch after. There will also not be any service at New Life that day. See you there!

The first deadline for registering for our Spring Retreat, May 13-15th, is coming up! After February 9th, there will be an extra $20 charge when you sign up for the retreat, so please sign up today! To register, visit OR see Thomas after church on Sunday!