New Life Update 10.18.21

Thank you to those who joined us yesterday for our service! We appreciated seeing all of you and sharing the vision for where we want to go as a church. For those who missed it, here is a recording of our time together. We hope you can join us next week!

This week, we want to feature our Spanish Group, led by Vero McLane. They are meeting on Wednesday nights at 7 pm on zoom. Reach out to Vero or check out our website for more details!

Children's Ministry

We are still looking for volunteers to help with children’s ministry! We ask that all parents and regular attenders please consider serving our kids! Serving our Kids is a reflection of God’s heart for children, and our calling to care for the least among us. If you are interested, please come talk to Teresa Manzano, our children’s ministry director, after church, or her at