New Life Update 3.20.2022

Thanks to those who joined us this past Sunday for our time of gathering and worship together! In case you missed our worship time, above is a video recording, and below is an audio recording of our time together! 

We believe that we cannot and are not meant to do this life alone, so we invite you to consider joining one of our life groups that meet during the week! Today we are featuring my LifeGroup – we meet on Thursdays at 7pm in Boyle Heights. We share our celebrations and struggles, and pray for one another. If you are interested in joining, come speak with me after service!

It’s not too late to sign up for our church retreat in May! We are going to a new location called Forest Home in the San Bernardino mountains that will be restful, and also have lots of fun activities. Don’t let money be a reason you can’t join us – talk to Thomas about what options might be available!