New Life Weekly Update 1/17/2021

Church family, we enjoyed seeing all of your faces at our church on zoom service yesterday at 11:30. If you missed it, above you will find the recording of that time!

And now, our announcements for this week:

A reminder that next week we will once again have church on zoom, as we continue to try to minimize the spread of COVID during this time when many folks are sick. The Zoom link will be the same as today:

NL Meals

We are still looking for volunteers to help with food Delivery and especially preparation in the coming weeks as folks in our church are recovering from COVID. If you are interested in helping out our families in need, you can sign up in various ways: 

COVID Advisory

Church family, we have seen COVID affect many people within our church in the past few weeks. Please reach out as soon as possible if you suspect you have COVID, especially if you have:

  • Significant symptoms or
  • You are over 40 or in a high-risk group 

We can connect you to treatment facilities, but it has to be at the beginning of your illness. You can reach out by:

  • Contacting a church leader you trust
  • Emailing us at
  • Texting us at 323-452-2941