New Life Weekly Update 12/27

We enjoyed our time together on zoom this morning. If you missed it, please re-watch the church service here!

We will continue having all-church zooms for the next 2 weeks, as we try to minimize any spread of COVID during the holidays. The Zoom link will be the same as today: We hope to see you there!

Church family, these are crazy times, but we are in this together. Please reach out if you suspect you have COVID. We ask that you would reach out especially if you have:

  • Significant symptoms or
  • Belong to a high-risk group.

We can connect you to treatment facilities, but it has to be at the beginning of your illness. You can reach out by:

  • Emailing us at
  • Texting us at 323-453-2941

We know that this has been a challenging year for many, and so we want to remind you that we, as a church family, have an ongoing mutual aid effort. If you are a part of our church and are interested in working on projects to earn extra cash, please let us know by visiting, or by reaching out to a trusted leader at our church