New Life Weekly Update 8/23

Hello church family! In case you missed it, here are this week’s announcements:

  1. New Giving Platform: First off, our church is excited to be rolling out our new, easy to use giving platform. Remember to switch over your recurring gifts to this new platform by the end of the month! To access the platform, go to (
  2. Politics 101: We are hosting an upcoming webinar, Local Politics 101: How can I get involved? On Tuesday, September 1. To RSVP, follow this link: ( 
  3. Baptism Class: Are you interested in getting baptized? We are going to be holding a class for all church-goers who are interested in exploring baptism. If interested, contact Adriana via email (
  4. Children’s OT Class: Starting Wednesday, September 9th from 4 – 4:45 pm, Our children’s director Teresa will be hosting a new series “Old Testament with Teresa.” Supplies and materials will be provided so contact Teresa for more information (