Seeking Shalom in Lincoln Heights
At New Life Church, we believe that Jesus’ work in our lives is not just something we celebrate on Sunday mornings: it’s something that defines our whole life. We believe that Jesus calls us to call us to be a part of bringing his kingdom shalom to our work, neighborhood, city, and world.
We currently are working to bring shalom in our context in three ways on three very different levels, along the lines of this model here

Helping Individuals
At New Life, we believe that every person is made in the image of God, meaning that they have dignity and purpose in their life. Our goal is to see all people in our church and extended community restored to purposes God created them to pursue
Benevolence Fund
If you are in need or know someone in our church who is in need, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our leaders! We cannot meet every need, but we will individually consider every request that comes across!
Emergency Loans
We often recommend that those seeking Benevolence requests apply for emergency relief loans from our friends at Elevate Equity. These loans carry no interest and are designed to alleviate financial distress, whether caused by a one-time expense or a built-up debt burden.
Additional Resources (Coming Soon!)

Building Institutions
We believe in working with and through institutions to see change in our community. If you are someone who wants to partner with us, please let us know, and we will be in touch!
Changing Systems
Faith in Housing Coalition

Our church is a part of a larger effort to address the broader problem of housing affordability in our city, If you are interested in joining us this summer as we do a joint-life group on the subject of housing, or just want to join our email listserv, please fill out the link below!