For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Niña, a ti te digo, ¡levántate!” given by Vero McClane (Spanish only this week)
WORKS at New Life: WORKS, the affordable housing developer who is heading the new housing project in Lincoln Heights, is coming to New Life this Sunday after church at 1:30pm. The New Life Housing Team would like to invite anyone interested come out! If you are interested in learning more or have questions
Prayer Requests
Passion LA: Pray for our youth ministry, and youth ministers, as they enter the 2nd week of their new Wednesday night ministry “Passion aLA.” Last week, 84 teens came out to the launch day. Pray that those youth would continue to come and that the group would begin to become a family to one another.
Church Community: on the heels of last week’s service, pray that God would help us to reach out of our comfort zones to love the family of God and be one as God is one