NLCC Weekly Update 9/5

We hope this new weekly update finds everyone doing well!

1) Sermon Audio

“As we started to read the Bible, read the scripture, these powerful life-changing words, they grabbed hold of my heart. God immediately broke me down and I let my guard down. And then I started asking questions and then I connected Jesus’ truth to my life. By the time I left, I wanted more and I could no longer put the Bible down.” – Gustavo Galvan

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to give it another listen, here is the link to “The Power of Jesus” by Chris Rattay and Gus Galvan (only English this week):

2) Announcements

  1. Young Life Worship and Prayer Night: Young Life Prayer NightJoin East LA Young life in a night of Worship and prayer for their ministry on the Eastside, on Saturday 9/15 at 7pm. The event will be at “The House Church” at 2302 E 2nd St. 90033.
  2. Hospitality Volunteers: We are still looking for volunteers to serve in our hospitality ministry at church on Sundays. To sign up, follow this hospitality survey link, or contact Lezly ( or Dave (
  3. Affordable Housing in Lincoln Heights: Join WORKS and GTM Holdings as they are hosting a community meeting for the Lincoln Heights 5 developments (LH5) to get community input on potential building styles. The meeting will be Thursday, Sep 13, 6-8pm and will be held at 2808 Altura Street, 90031.

3) Prayer Requests

  1. Pastor Chris: Pray for Pastor Chris’ continual strength and healing for his Colitis and Intestinal issues
  2. Powerful Witness: Pray that we’d submit to and be filled with God’s power to be bold witnesses for Him.
  3. Air Conditioning: Pray that God would grant us favor for an honest, affordable, and fair resolution to the completion of the A/C unit in the front sanctuary.