NLCC Update 7/26

Hello Church Family! We hope you are doing well! In case you missed it, here are the announcements for New Life Church this week:

  1. Youth Group Re-Launch: Our church is excited to be re-launching our youth ministry! Our new youth group is meeting weekly on Wednesday nights at 7pm. If you are interested in attending, please message Mark ( ), Fedna, or Sergio to get the zoom meeting ID
  2. Social Media Team: During this COVID time, our church is looking for new ways to connect and engage with new people. We are looking to recruit a group of people to be on our “Social Media Team,” who can help our church reach out during this time. If you are interested, email Thomas at or text us at ‪(323) 452-2941!
  3. Church Text: We want you to be included in the life of our church! Please join our New Life text group to get critical announcements during the week. We promise you will only get a max of 3 texts a week! Send a text that says @new-life-c to the number 81010 to join!

NLCC Update 7/19

Hello Church Family! We hope you are doing well! In case you missed it, here are the announcements for New Life Church this week:

  1. Food Distribution: Our church will be distributing food boxes again with fresh produce this coming Sat. moring the 25th, from 11:30 to 12:30 at the church. If you would receive a food box OR you want to help in distributing some to the community this Sat morning please contact Adriana (
  2. Youth Group Re-Launch: Our church is excited to be re-launching our youth ministry! Our new youth group is meeting weekly on Wednesday nights at 7pm. If you are interested in attending, please message Mark (, Fedna, or Sergio to get the zoom meeting ID

4/4/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Video

“Are we at a level of forgiveness (with those closest to us) in the way that God forgives us?”” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the service and sermon this past Sunday, or want to watch to it again, here is the link to the video.


  • 1. MORATORIUM ON EVICTIONS: As it is the first of the month, this is just a reminder that there is a temporary moratorium on evictions in LA County. This means that anyone who cannot afford the full amount of their rent is still required to pay rent, but CANNOT be evicted during the crisis. If you are unable to pay, you should notify your landlord ASAP, using this template. IF YOU NEED IMMEDIATE HELP, please email or call 213/537-5473
  • 2. ON THE U.S. CENSUS: Just a reminder that amid COVID-19, do not forget to fill out the census form! You can do so online by following this link. The census is key to making sure our community can access vital resources! Do not have fear in responding! For those wondering, it is essential to know that:
    • There is no citizenship question on the census, and
    • Census data is CONFIDENTIAL.

Prayer Requests

ESSENTIAL WORKERS: Please pray for the essential workers that help keep us fed and for us to have the utilities we need. Pray that God will continue to protect them and grant them patience as they serve the community.

3/25/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Video

It is in our weakness that God’s power flexes” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the service and sermon this past Sunday, or want to watch to it again, here is the link to the video.






  • Sunday service (livestreaming from 11am-12:30p then recording available afterward on the church FB page and on our sister church’s YouTube channel)
  • Wednesday Joint Life Group Meeting (via Zoom from 7:30p-9pm.  Please connect with a life group leader to get the weekly meeting link).
  • Throughout the week we encourage you to check-in with another trusted spiritual friend.


Prayer Requests

HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS: “Please continue to pray for wisdom and peace for our administrators, physician leaders, healthcare workers on the front lines.  Those on the front lines need more protection, spiritual and physical” – Dr. Teresa Ku-Borden.

3/18/20 NLCC Weekly Update

We are realizing that all of our wisdom, all of our technology, all of our money – it is still just an illusion of control. We are not all powerful. We can easily be brought down by a single sneeze or a single cough…we are in need of a power beyond us…He does not offer us a life where we avoid death, he offers us a life where we are victorious over it.” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message or livestream this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!


1. WHY WE KEEP PHYSICAL DISTANCE: In Jesus, we are no longer slaves to fear but we are freed to love. One way we can love our neighbors, especially our most physically vulnerable, is to “flatten the curve” by keeping good physical distance and staying home as much as possible. Here’s a great video on what that means:

2. WHY WE KEEP RELATIONAL CLOSENESS: We should keep physical good distance but we should not be relationally distant.  We need spiritual community (now we can do it virtually) to keep on ENcouraging one another (Hebrews 10:24-25) until we see Jesus face to face.  Please join a Life Group by contacting a Life Group Leader to see how you can join in (


Prayer Request:

LOVE FOR THE VULNERABLE: Please pray that we would not be ruled by fear but rather to be faithful to love Jesus and one another in these times as we adjust to the needs of the most vulnerable (elderly, those with underlying health issues, and health care workers) in our community.



3/11/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Our priority is the guest, is the one that doesn’t have someone to run too…this is where our love of Jesus gets translated. If you love the stranger then you love Jesus – that’s what the bible says. Because Jesus is with that stranger.” – Ruben Vargas


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message



CORONA VIRUS CARE: The first case of coronavirus community spread in LA County has been confirmed this week.  We should not be ruled by fear but we do need to be informed (ex. 80% of cases are mild symptoms, and those most at risk for severe symptoms are the elderly and those with chronic health conditions).  With this in mind, please be sure to take basic precautions to prevent any spread.
1. Wash your hands often
2. Avoid close contact with those who are sick
3. Stay home if you are sick (especially if you have fever, sneezing, or cough).  

This is a great official website with the basics you should know:  


Prayer Requests

LOVE FOR THE STRANGER: Please pray that we would love and help the stranger feel welcome in our midst, as Jesus has welcomed us.

3/4/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“The reason that I keep coming back to prayer is because we do more talking about prayer than actually praying…prayer and action go hand in hand, but prayer is that first step…we desperately need the fire and the fuel and the power and the love and the truth from you Jesus to do anything in this city!” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!




1) MONTHLY PRAISE & PRAYER NIGHT THURS. 3/5: Join us for our monthly (1st Thursday of every month) Praise & Prayer Night this Thursday, March 5th, from 7pm @New Life Community Church (2618 Workman St, 90031)!  Let’s lift up our city to Jesus and be lifted up in Him!  PRAISE&PRAYER


2) POTLUCK SUNDAY 3/8:  This coming Sunday, March 8th, is this month’s potluck Sunday (as we had a joint sister church meal at the end of February)!  Please join us as we share service and our dishes together with spiritual community!  


Prayer Requests

PRAY FOR THE CITY: Please pray for our city in Los Angeles, that God’s Heavenly Kingdom and values will shine through the people and systems of the city for good!

2/26/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We need to recognize that to be a disciple of Jesus, is to be an agent of Shalom [Hebrew word translated often as ‘peace’ but meaning completeness and wholeness in all relationships and society] in all areas, not just the individual. To make Jesus your King, to surrender your life to Jesus, is to join him in bringing Shalom to every part of your city.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message at our joint service this past Sunday, or want to take it in again, here is the link to the script of message!



1) CHURCH RETREAT DEPOSIT DEADLINE: The deadline to put down your deposit and secure your spot for the all-church spring retreat is THIS SUNDAY March 1st! (After that there will be an additional $10 late fee)!  You can sign up and make your deposit here:


2) VOTE IN THE PRIMARY ELECTION:  We hope you can go out to vote on Tues. March 3rd.  In seeking the shalom (the peace) of the city and nation we live in, let’s do our part to speak up for good, especially for those who are not given voice.  May we not only pray for but vote for our government leaders and policies that affect our neighborhoods. Here is a link to some research and recommendations of some of our church members on the candidates and issues:     


Prayer Requests

SEEK THE SHALOM OF THE CITY: Please pray for the shalom (peace) of our city and the role we are to play in that, for in the shalom of the city we will find our shalom.

2/19/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“…the purpose of God putting His Spirit in each one of us is SO THAT we’d be ONE TOGETHER in Jesus.” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



1) SAT. 2/22/20 CANDIDATE CAFE: Join us (New Life in collaboration with Venn Diagram) as we discuss and research the Democratic primary candidates on February 22 at 9:30 am @New Life Community Church – Lincoln Heights.  We will have bánh mì sandwiches and coffee for this interactive time. If you’d like to attend PLEASE RSVP here ( so we may prepare a spot for you!


2) SERVICE AT DIFFERENT LOCATION THIS SUNDAY 2/23: Let’s BE the body of Christ, seeing and connecting with one another beyond our usual circles, as we are stronger to reach LA TOGETHER.  So this Sunday the 23rd, we’ll be worshipping God with our sister church, Epicentre West LA @Adat Shalom building (3030 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034)!  Parking is limited so we can meet at New Life at 10:15am to carpool over there.  Child care check-in starts at 10:45am. Service starts promptly at 11am. Lunch will be provided! 🙂

joint servicejpg

Prayer Requests

GIVING OURSELVES TO THE BODY OF CHRIST: Please pray that we would give ourselves to the church that Jesus loves so that we can grow to maturity, not exclude ourselves or exclude others.

2/12/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Everything we will be given during our time on this earth is God’s. It all belongs to God, it’s all a gift to us. We didn’t earn it, it’s a free gift. A lot of us recoil from that like ‘hey, wait a minute, I worked hard for that money. It’s my money.’ Yes, your work ethic was a part of it but even your ability to work is a grace from God.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



1) CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: The all church spring retreat is set for April 24th-26th at Camp Maranatha!  Please put sign-up and put down your deposit ($30 for individuals, $60 for families) BY MARCH 1ST to secure your spot   (After that there will be an additional $10 late fee)! You can sign up and make your deposit here:

Church Retreat Flyer


2) SAT. 2/22/20 CANDIDATE CAFE: Join us (New Life in collaboration with Venn Diagram) as we discuss and research the Democratic primary candidates on February 22 at 9:30 am @New Life Community Church – Lincoln Heights.  We will have bánh mì sandwiches and coffee for this interactive time. If you’d like to attend PLEASE BE SURE TO RSVP here ( so we may prepare a place for you!


Prayer Requests

GIVING OURSELVES TO GIVING: Please pray that we would be faithful in giving what God has entrusted to us that he may entrust us with the greater heavenly riches.