2/5/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

Someone has to step up to help us go after God’s heart…The quality of your life will be determined by the spiritual depth of your relationships.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!




CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: The all church spring retreat is set for April 24th-26th at Camp Maranatha!  Please put sign-up and put down your deposit ($30 for individuals, $60 for families) BY MARCH 1ST to secure your spot   (After that there will be an additional $10 late fee)! You can sign up and make your deposit here: http://tiny.cc/2020NLspringretreatFORM


Prayer Requests

ACCOUNTABLE FRIENDSHIPS: Please pray that we Jesus would fill us to step up into friendships that care enough to keep us accountable and help each other grow in Jesus! 

1/29/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“He teaches us that the purpose of your praying, your fasting, and your giving is to be directed TO God not TO get the praise of people. HOWEVER, when it comes to actually worshipping Jesus, especially when we’re gathered to do so, it is right, good, and proper for us to praise HIM publicly because the whole point of worship is that we’re praising JESUS, not ourselves…Worship is not about US. It’s about HIM.” – David Kitani


Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties we were unable to record Sunday’s sermon but here are the note scripts, if you missed it or would like to check it out again!



1) PRAISE & PRAYER NIGHT WEDS 1/29: Please join us as we finish out our 10 day fast with a Praise & Prayer Night (Tonight, Weds 1/29) at 7pm @2618 Workman St!  Please feel free to invite friends and family as we are trusting God for the healing and breakthrough of Heaven we need right here in our midst! 


2) 2019 YEAR-END GIVING SUMMARIES: If you gave to New Life in 2019 and would like a tax deductible receipt of the past year’s donation please contact our lead administrator Adriana Villarreal <mjayv2001@gmail.com> and give her your e-mail or mailing address!  


Prayer Requests

ALL OUT WORSHIP: Please pray that we would give ourselves regularly to all out worship of our forgiving God and saving Jesus, unafraid of the opinions of others!

1/22/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Fasting, at its heart, is not eating food for a specific period of time to get more of God’s spirit to fulfill the deep hunger of our souls. We fast from food to feast on God…It develops spiritual muscles so that when we come to forbidden desires…when my body says ‘I want that sex, I want to just express my anger that way, I want to just waste my money that way!’ We say ‘No, you’re gonna get Jesus and He’s better.'” – Pastor Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message (audio is a little low on this recording so it is best heard with headphones)!



1) 10 DAY CHURCH WIDE FAST: Join the church family in our 10 day fast, to fast from the world (anything of your choice outside the water and sleep you need to last) SO THAT we can feast on God and pursue him for the breakthrough we need.  The fast will end on Weds 1/29 evening with a Praise and Prayer night at 7pm @New Life Community Church (2618 Workman St)!



2) 2019 YEAR-END GIVING SUMMARIES: If you gave to New Life in 2019 and would like a tax deductible receipt of the past year’s donation please contact our lead administrator Adriana Villarreal <mjayv2001@gmail.com> and give her your e-mail or mailing address!  


Prayer Requests

HUNGER FOR JESUS: Please pray that we would hunger for more of Jesus than the world and for the breakthrough that is needed!  

1/15/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

Due to technical difficulties we were unable to record the sermon of this past Sunday.



LIFE GROUPS: Join one of our Life Groups so that we can share our lives and grow together in Jesus as we were meant to!  Here is a link for our Life Groups that meet throughout the week! https://newlifecommunitylh.wordpress.com/life-group-information/


Prayer Requests

IN HIS WORD: Please pray that we would take in His word regularly and Jesus would open up the scriptures to us!  

1/8/20 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“As we think about the new year, as we think about the dreams for this year for our life…Jesus would have us first fix the house…The life that we want to live outside is always in proportion to how our life with Jesus is on the inside.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!




1) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!: May your new year be blessed with more of Jesus and more of his transforming work in and through you!  


2) LIFE GROUPS: Join one of our Life Groups so that we can share our lives and grow together in Jesus as we were meant to!  Here is a link for our Life Groups that meet throughout the week! https://newlifecommunitylh.wordpress.com/life-group-information/ 


Prayer Requests

INVITING JESUS IN: Please pray that we would not make life complicated by trying to do it all on our own but rather that we would invite Jesus in and let him do the work inside of us so that we can shine for Him!  

12/25/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We learn how to give good gifts from God Himself.  He is our model and inspiration. He is the one who saw our great need…Yet, instead of leaving us to figure it out on our own, He gave everything to save us…the most precious that He had, He gave His only son. I want you to stop right there. I will never give anyone my children…It is almost impossible for my brain to understand God giving us selfish, sinful, rebellious people His only son, knowing that we were going to make Him suffer in every imaginable way…you cannot outgive God.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the Christmas message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



1) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We celebrate that our savior, our Lord, our hope was born into our world!


2) END OF YEAR SERVICE: Come join us on Sunday 12/29 at 11:30am for a special end of the year service, reflecting on Jesus and His word for us into 2020!  


Prayer Requests

GIVE OURSELVES TO JESUS AND OTHERS: Please pray that we recognize the priceless gift of Jesus in this season and that we give ourselves to Him and others in need as He has given Himself to us. 

12/18/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“He’s screaming out of this furious love and looking death right in the eye and he’s saying ‘I am going to bring my son Lazarus out of this grave to show you what I am going to do to every single one of my kids that you have taken and will take in the future. C’mon and take me, suck me right in to that grave because Im gonna go right to the very core of your being and I’m gonna shatter you so completely and thoroughly that there will never be a funeral or a shed tear ever again.’” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



CHRISTMAS SERVICE: Come join us on Sunday 12/22 at 11:30am as we celebrate the birth of Christ and the hope He brings into our lives !  


Prayer Requests

JESUS IS TRUTH, LOVE, AND POWER: Please pray that we turn to and trust in Jesus, who is the source of truth, love, and power!

12/11/19 NLCC Weekly Update 

Sermon Update

“When we are not growing in the word of God in our hearts, we’re growing in lies and poison. The word of God is power, it’s life giving power that we so desperately need to live…Jesus is identified as the word of God.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the powerful testimonies (from Lorena and Angel) this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. PAINTING PREP PARTIES: Come join us this coming week to help prepare and paint our church sanctuary!  A meal will be provided too! You can sign-up by calling Adriana at (323) 633-6319 or typing your name on the following link for any slots we have remaining (Weds evening, and Sat morning)!: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CyyMjyt9TBouY1sFzQAwwdjzc-6oLumS4S5LTecxk5Q/edit?usp=sharing


It’s already looking brighter! 🙂

  1. BLANKETS AND JACKETS FOR THOSE IN NEED: Next Weds. our LH Co-Ed Life is planning on distributing blankets and jackets to those in need for the cold winter months.  If you have any blankets or jackets you are not using that you would like to donate please contact Adriana or drop them off this Sunday Dec. 15th!



Prayer Requests

GOD’S WORD: Please pray that we take in God’s word to us regularly and trust Him at His word!

12/05/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Special Thanks

Thanks to all of the New Life Community Church Lincoln Heights family that was able to come out to bless the community at the Lincoln Heights Christmas parade with free pan dulce, hot drinks, and prayers! And a special shout out to Adriana Villarreal and all her work behind the scenes that made it possible! Jesus, keep filling us up with your love to overflow to others!



  1. BAPTISM AND POTLUCK SUNDAY: This Sunday 12/8 come celebrate with us the baptism of Lorena Cruz and Angel Ramirez!  There will also be potluck afterwards so please bring a dish so we can share a meal together!


  1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West  (the annual conference of our church association to worship God together and be challenged with God’s heart to reach out to others) will be on Jan 24th-25th in San Diego.  If you’d like to go, please be sure to register and pay by 12/8 to get the early bird price at www.worldmandatewest.com


  1. PAINTING PREP PARTIES: Come join us this coming week to help prepare and paint our church sanctuary!  A meal will be provided too! You can sign-up on the following link for any slots we have available (Mon and Tues morning, Wed evening, and Sat morning)!: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CyyMjyt9TBouY1sFzQAwwdjzc-6oLumS4S5LTecxk5Q/edit?usp=sharing


Prayer Requests

DELIVERANCE FROM EVIL: Please pray that we would give ourselves to Jesus and resist the devil’s lies by standing 1) in our identity as God’s children and 2) on his scripture truth!

11/27/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Jesus flips this image of a yoke on its head by presenting a yoke, a bond, that make things LIGHTER. All other things and people we give and bind ourselves to can make us heavier BUT being bound to Jesus is the only bond that FREES us as opposed to WEIGHING us down.” David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!




  1. COMMUNITY SERVICE IN PLACE OF SUN. 12/1 SERVICE: Next Sunday we will NOT be having regular Sunday service as it is the Lincoln Heights Christmas Parade. In place of Sunday service we will be reaching out to our community that day. If you would like to help with our community outreach that day to pass out pan dulce, hot drinks, and/or offer prayer, please contact Adriana (323) 633-6319!


  1. WORSHIP & SOUND WORKSHOP: If you are on or interested in being a part of the Worship or Sound team, they will be holding a workshop on Sunday Dec. 1st from 1-3p in the front sanctuary.Worshipworkshop


  1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West  (the annual conference of our church association to worship God together and be challenged with God’s heart to reach out to others) will be on Jan 24th-25th in San Diego.  If you’d like to go, please be sure to register and pay by 12/8 to get the early bird price at www.worldmandatewest.com


Prayer Requests

REST IN JESUS: Please pray that we would rest in Jesus, especially in this Thanksgiving season, to remember all that He has done in, through, and around us!