11/20/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“His love for the multi-ethnic, multi-national, multi-class family to be able to worship freely in his house is so deep that to do things to prevent that is to put yourself in a very dangerous spiritual place.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



WORSHIP & SOUND WORKSHOP: If you are on or interested in being a part of the Worship or Sound team, they will be holding a workshop on Sunday Dec. 1st from 1-3p in the front sanctuary.


Prayer Requests

PASSION FOR THE OUTSIDER: Please pray that Jesus would fill us with his passion to make a way for outsiders to come in to worship God!

11/13/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“One sure way that you know a good gift has become a competitor to Jesus is if you know you can’t ever give that good gift up. If you know I can’t live without this, you should probably start to wrestle with Jesus about that. That’s probably now becoming a competitor to Jesus and it’s probably why you’re thirsty.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS: As we prepare for the next winter season, we would love to have some more regular volunteers for our children’s ministry to pour out God’s love to the young ones.  Jesus says that the Kingdom of God belongs to them, so let’s learn together! If you are interested in being a volunteer for the children’s ministry please see Teresa Manzano, our new Children’s Ministry Director. 


Prayer Requests

JESUS OUR SOURCE: Please pray that Jesus alone would be the true source that we go to for life, surrendering any other competitor, that we may overflow to others!

11/6/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“All of humanity’s wine has run out…at the cross He pours out his red blood that never stops flowing over our mistakes, over our sin, over our worst moments – grace upon grace upon grace – inviting us into a party where it never ever runs out.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the powerful REAL life baptism testimonies this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING: We will be holding our annual member meeting after service this Sunday Nov. 10th.  All are welcome to attend but only official voting members can cast ballots (please contact Dave if you’re interested in becoming a voting member for next year)!  We need at least 50% of official members present for the vote to count!


Prayer Requests

JESUS TO FILL US : Please pray that we would ask and trust Jesus to provide what is BEST to fill us up with what we need!

10/30/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Now if we follow Jesus then this means we WILL BE persecuted. If Jesus, our leader our savior was persecuted for how he lived and loved, why do we think we shouldn’t be?” – David Kitani

If you missed the message and the testimonies this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. ISA MEMORIAL SERVICE: This Saturday 11/2 will be a Celebration of Isa’s Life Ceremony held at 2pm at Comunidad Cristiana La Vina (Los Angeles 720 S Lake St, Los Angeles, CA 90057).  Parking may be limited near downtown so please try to carpool if possible!  


  1. BAPTISMS & POTLUCK SUNDAY: This Sunday 11/3 our spiritual family,  Mati and Joe, are going to be baptized! Come celebrate with us, and bring a dish to share as it’s also potluck Sunday! 


  1. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS: Be sure to turn your clocks (fall) BACK 1 hour this Saturday night and get an extra hour of sleep 🙂 !  



Prayer Requests

  1. STRENGTH IN PERSECUTION: Please pray that we would remain in Jesus to face persecution with Him so that we may stand with Him in true victory!


  1. VALERIA: Please pray for healing for Liz R’s daughter, Valeria, who had to go into the Children’s Hospital this week for a viral complication.

10/23/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Storms do not tell you whether you are in God’s will or not…if you are with Jesus storms can still come…We should be stressing out more about whether Jesus is in our boat rather than whether we’re in the storm or not.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the miraculous testimony this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



CHURCH TEXT GROUP: Please sign up to our church text group to get sermon updates, prayer requests, as well as any other important announcements! They are just one way texts so you don’t have to worry about being flooded with texts. Send a text to the number 81010 with the message “@new-life-c” to join!  


Prayer Requests

FAITH IN JESUS: Please pray that God would help us to cry out and hold onto Him in the midst of the storms of life!

10/16/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

That’s always what people who genuinely experience Jesus do, is they have to tell people…when we finally get face to face with Jesus it’s not like ‘I saw what you did the other day! You need to stop doing this, you little sinner!’ No, when we finally get face to face with the real Jesus he says “I see your hurts, I see your pains. I am moved with the deepest form of compassion possible and how about we start a journey of healing now.‘” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the many testimonies and the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let us seek God together for a movement of his Kingdom transformation to come in our lives and communities!  


Prayer Requests

  1. COMPASSION AND COURAGE: Please pray that God would fill us with the gut level compassion of Jesus and help us to step out in courage to love others!


  1. MEET THE BLIND MONTH: October is Meet the Blind Month.  Please pray that we would be able to “see” the blind in our communities with God’s love and grow in understanding and presence to them.  https://www.nfb.org/programs-services/meet-blind-month

10/9/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“It is the love of God that is unique and different from any other kind of love that we see in this world…This kind of love, this transformation that comes from it, can only happen as we displace ourselves…As we take ourselves out of comfort and put ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, that’s God led, so that he can actually change us.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the testimony this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The #Jesusriskchallenge for this first week of October: cross a cultural barrier to love someone (or any challenge up to this week)


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about any risk in Jesus challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 10/10 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. FAITH & FINANCES: If you’re interested in learning from each other in an interactive way about what it looks like to trust God with your life and finances, we’ll be offering a Faith & Finances workshop series before service for the next month. We’ll be meeting every Sun. morning from 9am-10:30am starting next Sunday Oct 13th for 5 weeks. If you’d like to be a part of the class PLEASE sign up with Dave ASAP!  


Prayer Requests

CROSS BARRIERS IN LOVE: Please pray that God would help us to cross cultural barriers and comfort zones to love people different than us!

Please pray for healing for Isa who is in the pediatric intensive care unit of the hospital with lung trouble. Please pray for peace and wisdom for the whole Torres-McLane family!

10/2/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“You see, because Jesus was without sin he is literally the perfect sacrifice for our sins. If I or any one else tried to die for your sins it wouldn’t work because we, they, would die for their own sins. We need someone who is without sin to save us. That’s why we need Jesus.” – David Kitani


If you missed the message and testimonies this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The #Jesusriskchallenge for this first week of October: share the good news of Jesus with someone.


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about any risk in Jesus challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/26 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY 10/6: This Sunday 10/6 is Potluck Sunday!  Please bring a dish so we can share a meal and time together after service!  


  1. OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let’s listen in and ask together for what God wants to and is able to do in our midst!  


Prayer Requests

SHARE THE GOOD NEWS: Please pray that God would help us to recognize the good news we have in Jesus and to have the courage to share that for more transformation!

9/25/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“There are many people all around us who are in that moment where their souls are crying for God and they’re waiting for somebody who knows Jesus to say ‘I resonate with your story. I know the answer’. God has many people around us so we cannot let some awkward conversation or a family member who’s mocking us keep us in the boat, in the huddle.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message and the many great testimonies this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message (starts at 3:13)!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The #Jesusriskchallenge for the week of 9/22: invite someone a step closer to Jesus, whether that means an invitation to church, life group, or deeper into a relationship with Him.


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/26 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. LH COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR, THIS SAT 9/28: This Saturday 9/28 from 9am-1pm @LH Rec Center there will be a community health fair.  The event is totally free for those who come including food, activities for children, health professionals to give treatment, dental screenings, and other health resources for the whole family!  


Prayer Requests

KEEP ON SPEAKING OF JESUS: Please pray that we keep on speaking of Jesus and invite our friends and family into a life giving relationship with Jesus.health fair

9/18/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Any time you stand for him He will find you. He doesn’t promise that it’s always going to go well when you stand for Him, but He promises that He will always find you and it will go really well between you and Him.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The challenge for the week of 9/15 is to speak the name of Jesus in your conversation with a stranger or someone for whom it may be a risk to do so.


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/19 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. D-SCHOOL INFO MEETING SUN 9/22: If you are interested in going deeper and farther with Jesus we will have a Discipleship School information meeting this Sunday 9/22 after church.  Please let @Dave Kitani know if you can make it!  


  1. LH COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR, SAT 9/28: Please save the date of Saturday 9/28 from 9am-1pm @LH REC Center for a free community health fair.  The event is totally free for those who come including food, activities for children, health professionals to give treatment, dental screenings, and other health resources for the whole family!  Health Fair SpanishHealth Fair 


Prayer Requests

COURAGE TO SPEAK OF JESUS: Please pray that we would take courage in His love to speak of Jesus’ healing in our lives to others!