9/11/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“There are two types of people in this world: those who are defined by their pain and those that are defined by their healer…What God wants to speak deep into our soul is He is stronger than your pain.” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S JESUS RISK CHALLENGE: The challenge for the week of 9/8 is to offer to pray for someone for whom it may be a risk to do so

If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share at Sunday service about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to David Kitani by Thursday 9/12 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. #JESUSRISKCHALLENGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA: take a risk to share on social media, with the #JesusRiskChallenge, a testimony of stepping out of your comfort zone to love others in Jesus.  The goal is to glorify God, not ourselves!  


  1. SAVE THE DATE 9/28 FOR LH COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR: Please save the date of Saturday 9/28 from 9am-1pm @LH Senior Center for a free community health fair.  There will be food as well as health professionals to give free treatment and resources!  


Prayer Requests

HEALED TO LOVE: Please pray that we would not define ourselves by our pain but by our healer – that Jesus’ love would drive us out of our fear and into loving others!  


9/4/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“If you only study the bible intellectually you will not grow in faith…you study the bible so that you know the kind of risk that you must take in your life…Faith and trust in Jesus can only grow as you put yourself in a position where you can’t trust yourself or other people or anything, it’s gotta be Jesus or I drown.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. THIS WEEK’S RISK CHALLENGE: With our new series on risk we are aiming to have a specific risk challenge of faith each week.  This week the challenge is to start a conversation with someone who is not in your usual circle of family or friends.  


If you have a 3 MIN. or LESS testimony to share about this week’s risk challenge (whether it was a “win” or “fail”), please send it to @David Kitani by Thursday 9/5 (david.kitani@servantpartners.org or 323-620-6270).  Please be sure to include
– 1) what you did
– 2) how it went
– 3) what God was showing you!


  1. D-SCHOOL 2020 INTEREST MEETING: If you are interested in going deeper with Jesus and stepping into really letting him lead your life, please prayerfully consider our D-School that goes from Jan to July.  Please contact Dave Kitani to sign-up for an info. meeting scheduled for Sunday 9/22 after church.   


Prayer Requests

GETTING OUT OF THE BOAT: Please pray that we believers would grow in faith by stepping out of our comfort zone and usual circle of friends to love on others.


8/28/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“One way I can tell where I’m at is if I find myself being more critical than thankful. When I find that I am being more critical of others it’s a sign I’m getting away from God’s grace, that my eyes are out of whack with God’s. So how’s your vision? Is your default to give criticism or to give thanks?” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY 9/1: This Sunday 9/1 is Potluck Sunday!  Please bring a dish so we can share a meal and time together after service!  


  1. OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let us ask God together for his Kingdom to come and his will to be done in our lives and communities!  


Prayer Requests

EYES OF GOD’S GRACE: Please pray that God would help us to see not only ourselves but others with His eyes of grace.  

8/21/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“You can’t live off of other people’s encounters and experiences with God.  It’s one thing to believe there is a good God, it is quite another to experience the goodness and the power of God personally.

– Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join, you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Let us lay down the track together for his power to break though in our lives!  


Prayer Requests

WRESTLE WITH GOD: Please pray for the courage to lay down what keeps us from God and wrestle with Him over the deep things on our hearts and minds.  


8/14/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“There is this deep longing in our hearts that nothing in this world can fulfill…If you’re the rebellious type and want to keep trying to hook up, you ain’t gonna fulfill that pain. But hey, if you’re the conservative type…even if you put your own blood family in the place of God you will never be satisfied.” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message!



OPEN SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room and we will be sure to lift up prayer to His throne room!  


Prayer Requests

GOD FIRST: Please pray that we would seek our fulfillment in God first to find true satisfaction, not put anything or anyone in the place only God can fill.  

8/7/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We pray that God would give us things but do we pray that he take things?” – Jairo Sarmiento

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get a recording of this past Sunday’s message but here is a link to the audio of past messages!



ETC GRADUATION: This Sunday 8/11 There will be a free taco lunch to celebrate our ETC (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) graduates!  And IF you are able you are welcome to stay for the graduation at 2pm in the sanctuary.


Prayer Requests

    1. RE-ENCOUNTERS WITH GOD: Please pray that God would help us to re-encounter   with God in ways that would make us lay down anything that keeps us from Him.  
    2. PEACE OVER VIOLENCE: Please pray that Jesus would root out the violence in our own hearts and community, replacing it with the healing and peace of His presence.

7/31/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“All other religion is us trying to climb steps to God, but in Christianity, God comes comes down to meet us where we are at. Jesus HIMSELF is the stairway to heaven…you see the Way to God is not what you do. It is a person. And that person is Jesus…He met us where we were AT so that he could take us up to where He IS.” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message! 



  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY 8/4: This Sunday 8/4 is Potluck Sunday!  Please bring a dish so we can share time together after service!  


  1. COMMUNITY PRAYER MEMORIAL 8/4: In response to the tragic events of last weekend in Lincoln Heights, civic and spiritual leaders are coming together with the community to remember and lift up prayers for Juan Diaz, his family, and the neighborhood.  The memorial will be at 6pm this Sunday 8/4 on 3101 Artesian St.  


Prayer Requests

  1. ENCOUNTERS WITH GOD: Please pray that God would open our eyes to encounter Him wherever we find ourselves and get His perspective.  

    2. PEACE OVER VIOLENCE: Please pray that Jesus would root out the violence in our own hearts and community, replacing it with the healing and peace of His presence.

7/24/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“The curse that we deserve for being selfish, manipulative, deceiving, sinful – Jesus dressed up like us to steal our curse so that when we believe in Him and follow Him we can be truly and honestly and with full integrity clothed in Him and receive the first born blessing.” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday on the first message of our new series on the life of Jacob or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message!



  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room! Prayer lays down the track for God’s power to break through in our midst!  


  1. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY!: Thanks to your support the bake sale fundraiser for the children’s ministry was a success this past Sunday as the children themselves took ownership of the ministry under the leadership of our awesome children’s volunteer teachers!  Please join us this Sunday 7/28 as they share their vision with us moving forward!   


Prayer Requests

TO LIVE AND GIVE HIS BLESSING: Please pray that we would receive the first born blessing that is ours by trusting in the good work of Jesus.  Please pray that we would then step into the good work of sharing and speaking that blessing with others.  


7/17/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

We don’t ask because we doubt that Jesus will give us anything. This probably happens because we’ve asked before and received nothing or at least we think we received nothing. Now Jesus will answer us but we need to know he will give us what we need before he gives us what we want.” – Gustavo Galvan


If you missed the mission testimonies this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the testimonies of God’s work (audible at 3:10 mark): http://www.podcastgarden.com/episode/etc-mission-trip-testimonies_146852?fbclid=IwAR33hO_sRSzPPk2W_U0ElQ7F0JRyXy9CW6iyUPbBqJamarhKC3B87SXl7i8



  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: ALL are welcome every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary) for prayer.  If you are unable to join you can still drop off any prayer requests you may have in the box in the prayer room and we will be sure to lift up prayer to His throne room!  


  1. BAKE SALE FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: The elementary children’s ministry is hosting an ice coffee and bake sale fundraiser after church service THIS Sunday 7/21! The children are excited to show off their designed cupcakes and all funds will go to support the cool things the children’s ministry will be doing! 


  1. BUSINESS STARTING CLASS: Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Or trying to expand your side hustle? Elevate Equity is offering a 4-week entrepreneurship class this August. All are welcome, no prior knowledge required! If you are interested contact Thomas Irwin at 703-772-6033 or at thomasirwin13@gmail.com or sign up at this link: https://form.jotform.com/91624498439167


Prayer Requests

ASK GOD IN FAITH: Please pray that we would ask God for what we need in faith, focused on Jesus.  And as we do His light would shine through us as an encouragement to others! 

7/10/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“You have to have a lot of boldness to walk up to the most powerful man in the world and say ‘Let my people go'” – Bobby Lopez

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Let My People Go” by Pastor Bobby Lopez



  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER: Please join us every and any Sunday at 10:30am in the prayer room (near the front entrance to the sanctuary).  All are welcome to receive and offer prayer for the church family and community! When people work people work, when people pray God works!  


  1. MISSION SHARING SUNDAY: Join us this coming Sunday 7/14 to hear what God did in and through our very own missionaries on their trips to San Jose and Malawi, Africa!  


  1. BUSINESS STARTING CLASS: Have you been thinking about starting your own business? Or trying to expand your side hustle? Elevate Equity is offering a 4-week entrepreneurship class this August. All are welcome, no prior knowledge required! If you are interested, sign up using this link, or contact Thomas Irwin at 703-772-6033 or at thomasirwin13@gmail.com


Prayer Requests

GROWTH OF OUR ETC MISSIONARIES: Please pray that God would use our Spanish-speaking D-School class’ mission trip to San Jose, with our sister church, Shalom Iglesia, this week to deepen their faith and bring them back to us better equipped to reach out to our Spanish speaking community!