7/3/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Those who trust in Jesus, not because we’ve done anything to deserve it, step into the grace of your Heavenly Father. Know that you are his beloved Child! Don’t live with a slave mentality of fear but a child mentality of freedom!” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Living as Children of God



  1. SUPPORTING ETC MISSIONARIES FROM OUR CHURCH: Our Spanish Discipleship School (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) is leaving for their mission trip to a working-class immigrant neighborhood in San Jose this Saturday 7/6 and will return on Saturday 7/13!  They are at 89% of the support they need to get there! Let’s help them get to 100%! Here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O


  1. YOUTH SERVICE AND POTLUCK THIS SUNDAY 7/7: This Sunday 7/7 will be a youth ministry led service with the Passion LA worship band!  Invite a youth in your life and come join us! Please bring a dish to share with spiritual family for a potluck after the service! 


Prayer Requests

  1. LIVING AS CHILDREN OF GOD: Please pray that we would walk in our identity as children of God through Jesus.  That we would be led not by fear but by His Spirit into the freedom of His life giving way.  


  1. BOLD WITNESS OF OUR ETC MISSIONARIES: Please pray that God would fill our Spanish-speaking D-School class and the team with His Holy Spirit to be bold and encouraging witnesses of Jesus to our sister church in San Jose, Shalom Iglesia, as well as the surrounding community.  

6/26/19 NLCC Weekly Update


Sermon Update

Prayer is a cry for help. Prayer is where we get hope. Prayer is where we find safety. Prayer is where we find rest. Prayer is where we find God…The only way you can handle challenges without fear and with wisdom is if you’re constantly praying.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message:”Prayers that Transform a City



  1. BAKE SALE for CHILDREN’S MINISTRY POSTPONED: The elementary children’s ministry bake sale originally scheduled for Sunday 6/30 has been postponed until further notice (likely in July)! 


  1. SUPPORTING ETC MISSIONARIES FROM OUR CHURCH: Our Spanish Discipleship School (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) is going on a mission trip to help a sister church in a working-class immigrant neighborhood in San Jose from 7/6-7/13.  The team is at 68% of their support goal! Let’s partner with them in prayer as well as financially for the remaining amount! If you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O


Prayer Requests

  1. FAITH OVER FEAR: Please pray that God would build up our faith over fear, especially in light of news that threatens our immigrant neighbors.

     2. PRAYER THAT TRANSFORMS: Please pray that we would press into an intimate, life-giving, and honest relationship with God through prayer.

6/19/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Nobody sustains permanent change because of criticism because of lectures because of nagging because of judgement. Will power is never enough. The desire, the emotions are never always going to be there for fathers, mothers, anybody. Fathers will change and keep growing through forgiveness, through honor, through empowerment, and the Spirit of Jesus. Just like all of us.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Father’s Day Message: Transforming Power of the Love of Jesus



SUPPORTING ETC MISSIONARIES FROM OUR CHURCH: Our Spanish D-School group (Escuela de Transformación en Cristo) is going on a mission trip to help a sister church in a working-class immigrant neighborhood in San Jose from 7/6-7/13.  Let’s partner with them to love others in need by supporting them in prayer as well as financially (if you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O)


Prayer Requests

  1. GUSTAVO IN MALAWI: Please pray for our brother and elder, Gus Galvan, who is co-leading a mission team in Malawi Africa till 6/30/19!  Pray that God would work in and through our brother to be a blessing to those who have not yet met Jesus as well as to the team he is working with!  


  1. GRACE AND HONOR THAT TRANSFORMS: Please pray that we would live in the undeserved favor God gives us and we would offer that same grace to others, honoring and lifting people up rather than putting them down.

6/12/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“When we fail and make mistakes Jesus does not want to change our behavior; that’s not his first deal. Jesus wants to change our hearts. He wants to remind us again that we didn’t do anything that took away his love, we cannot…When he can have our hearts back, when we’re in love with him, we’re secure in him, then he knows the behavior will follow.” – Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “You’ve Got a Friend in Me



  1. DADS AND GRADS SUNDAY: This Sunday 6/16 we’d like to honor our physical/spiritual fathers as well as the graduates in our church family!  Please join us as we celebrate and affirm them together!


  1. SUPPORTING MISSIONARIES FROM OUR CHURCH: One of our elders, Gus Galvan, will be co-leading a mission team to Malawi Africa from 6/17-6/30.  Our Spanish D-School (ETC) group that is going on a mission trip to help a sister church in working-class immigrant neighborhood from 7/6-7/13.  Let’s support them in prayer as well as financially (if you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O)


Prayer Requests

FAVOR AND PROVISION FOR OUR ETC MISSIONARIES: Please pray that God would build up the faith of our Spanish-speaking D-School class by giving them favor from their employers for time off from work and providing everything needed (from funds to care of their families) while they are off from work as well for the expenses for the mission trip!  
FRIENDSHIPS ACROSS DIFFERENCES: Please pray that we would be a church people that builds friendships with people that are different from us, as Jesus has built friendship with us.  

6/5/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Individual spirituality is not Christianity, its individual spirituality…that’s Americas new religion…Individual spirituality fundamentally declares that the individual, who is deciding to not build God’s church, is their own god. To be a follower of Jesus is to, with great joy and great loyalty, take your rightful place in building the city of God.” – Pastor Chris Rattay


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: The Church as the Alternate City



  1. MISSION SUNDAY: A number of our church family are gearing up for mission trips this summer.  This Sunday 6/9 we will be recognizing our Spanish D-School (ETC) group that is going to San Jose and commissioning Gus to co-lead a group to Malawi, Africa.  Let’s support them (if you’d like to support financially here is a tax-deductible giving link: https://bit.ly/2E3GG1O


  1. HEALING PRAYER AND TESTIMONIES OF HEALING: We as a church want to trust in God that His Kingdom comes with healing as it is in heaven, so please come for prayer on Sundays.  If you have any testimonies of healings or breakthroughs please contact Gus (213) 618-2227 or Dave (323) 620-6270 in Gus’ absence.


Prayer Requests

STEPPING UP TO BUILD HIS KINGDOM: Please pray that we would step up into our God given giftings and roles in building up His church and the Kingdom of God!  


CLEARER CONNECTION WITH GOD: People praying for our church have gotten images of a “fog” keeping people from being able to connect with God as deeply as they could.  Please join us in praying that we would let go of anything that keeps us from seeing and connecting with God in ways that we really need, that any barriers will be broken away completely!  

5/29/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Here is an analogy to see how all three of these values of Jesus work together in transformation: Mercy would be like scooping up babies that you find drowning in a river. Justice is working to right what’s happening upstream that babies are falling into the river in the first place. Faithfulness is continuing in that good work without giving up.” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: New Life Identity – Part 5: Seeking Transformation and Justice in our Community to the World




  1. PASTOR CHRIS RETURN & POTLUCK: Pastor Chris will be returning from his medical leave sabbatical this Sunday 6/2!  We’ll be celebrating with a potluck too! Please contact Adriana (323) 633-6319 to bring something to share with your spiritual family!


  1. LINCOLN BOYS B-BALL: The Lincoln Boys Basketball team will be having an Applebee’s Fundraiser at the Alhambra location from 8am-9:45am Sunday 6/2.  Please contact @Fedna Pierre-Louis to support them with $10 a ticket.


Prayer Requests

SEEKING TRANSFORMATION: Please pray that we would seek true transformation in Jesus for ourselves as well as our world by doing justice, practicing mercy, and living in Jesus faithfully!

5/22/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We often think of how we can help people with our strengths, our gifts, our resources. That’s how we are taught in school, at work, in our families, even at church sometimes. But what if we allowed God to use our darkest moments to change our lives and to help others?” – Teresa Ku Borden

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “All in All – Part 9: Strength in Weakness”.




  1. FINAL MESSAGE IN CHURCH IDENTITY SERIES: This Sunday, 5/26, will be the final message in our church identity series.  Let us remember who we are so that we will live who we are!


  1. CHURCH T-SHIRTS FOR SALE: We have a limited supply of extra church T-shirts left from the retreat that are available for sale for $10!  If you’d like to purchase one please contact Adriana (323) 633-6319


Prayer Requests

  1. STRENGTH IN WEAKNESS: Please pray that we would find and recognize God’s strength and grace in the midst of honesty about our weakness!


  1. SETTING TIME TO REST: Please pray that we would set apart time to rest; to trust in His strength over our own, to trust in His love to renew us to better re-engage, to trust that HE is God.

5/15/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“At the beginning, we see love described as action words, not lofty concepts.  Paul isn’t writing about what love feels like, he’s telling you what love looks like.  Love is an action.” – Ruben Vargas

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: http://www.podcastgarden.com/episode/what-love-is_144663?fbclid=IwAR3lOkstdwWxqVsq2YkUzg95IutMs7_2AnBKuu9QQF-bjbK9xYkx1k0peGE



TEEN SERVICE (POSTPONED):The teen service announced for 5/19 has been postponed so the teens will be joining our adult service as usual. We apologize for the delay in update!!!


Prayer Requests

LOVE IN ACTION: Please pray that we step into the actions of love as Jesus has loved us!

5/8/19 NLCC Weekly Update

19 Spring Retreat PictureSermon Update

We had a great time hearing his voice through His word at the retreat this weekend, in the book of Judges 6 & 7.  Here were the themes of the sessions:

  • Friday PM: We can cry out to our Heavenly Father to see His Kingdom manifest in our midst (Matthew 6:9)
  • Saturday AM: God is with us, even when we can’t see Him in our midst because we’re so caught up with our fears (Judges 6:1-24)!
  • Saturday PM: God is with us, so we can drive out idols that take us away from His all-consuming love (Judges 6:25-32)!
  • Sunday AM: God is with us, to fight our battles in a different way than we’re used to and encouraging us through others (Judges 7:1-16, 22)!



  1. MOTHER’S DAY: Please invite your mother’s, and/or if you’re a mother yourself, to Sunday service as we’d like to honor them!  


  1. POTLUCK SUNDAY: This coming Sunday 5/12 is also potluck Sunday so please bring a dish to share with your spiritual family!   


Prayer Requests

  1. PRAISE: Praise God for an awesome joint family retreat with Hope Community Church of East LA!  People gave themselves to Jesus and were empowered by His word!


  1. GOD IS WITH US: Please pray that we’d step into our battles with courage knowing that God is with us, to hear us when we cry out, to drive out idols, and to fight our battles in ways we couldn’t imagine.


5/1/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Will power and self help can’t create transformation. Christianity is not just about doing the right thing or just trying harder. It’s about us saying ‘Spirit we invite you to change us’. It’s a continual process, a continual invitation, a continual opening of our door to God.”Alicia Miller Andre

If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the audio of the message: “Extravagant Love”.




  1. NO SUNDAY SERVICE 5/5/19 in LH: Due to our all-church retreat this weekend, for those signed-up for the retreat, we’ll be having our Sunday time together up in the mountains, not in our building at Lincoln Heights.   


  1. KEY INFO FOR RETREAT: For those registered to go to the retreat this weekend
  • Bring your own bedding, warm clothes, and reusable water bottles.
  • Fri. check-in with Adriana or Thomas when arrive after 3pm.  Fri. dinner on own. First session starts at 8:30pm.
  • Google directions are correct to Camp Maranatha (54162 Maranatha Dr, Idyllwild, CA 92549).  Two main roads to camp are closed so you’ll need to come through Temecula/Anza.
  • For more detailed info about when arriving, what to bring, and how to get there please click on this link: https://bit.ly/2LeUqe4


Prayer Requests

  1. OPENING UP TO GOD’S LOVE: Please pray that we continually open the door of our hearts to let the Holy Spirit lead us every day with God’s unconditional love!

2. RETREAT: Please pray that from the retreat and beyond we’d be free in Jesus and that we’d receive the fire of His Word to bring it back to our communities!