2/20/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Jesus walks with us through our struggles so FAR that he knows what’s on the OTHER side!! Jesus is so committed to walking with us that he sees past our failures to when we will get back up and the great things we’re going to step forward into!” – David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “New Life Church Identity: Walking with People Through Struggles



  1. PASSION LA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: PassionLA Teen Program is looking for volunteers to help transform the lives of teens. If you would like to volunteer contact Bobby Lopez or email Admin@PassionLA.org so we can submit your name as a candidate to the ops team.


  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT: If you haven’t already, be sure sign-up here for our joint All-Church Spring Retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) with Hope Community Church of East LA and put down your deposit ($40 for individuals, $70 for families)!  


Prayer Requests

  1. Praise Report for TEEN RETREAT: 50 teens from our PassionLA youth program went on a teen retreat this weekend and many of them were able to give their lives to God!   


  1. WALK WITH PEOPLE THROUGH STRUGGLES: Please pray that we would walk with people through their struggles as Jesus walks with us through our struggles!  

2/13/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“…we ‘are being transformed into His image.’ That means we’re NOT gonna look like God RIGHT away. We are BEING transformed into his image. It is a process. We need to be patient with ourselves. With each other. BUT we DO need to have face time with Jesus. We do need that time in personal communication with Jesus: in His word to be shaped by HIS values, in prayer to unleash HIS power in our midst.” – David Kitani  


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “God Is All in All Over Our Sin



  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT DEPOSIT DEADLINE: The deposit deadline for our all church spring retreat (from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5) is THIS SUNDAY 2/17!  Please sign-up here and put down your deposit ($30 for individuals, $60 for families) to secure your spot.  After 2/17 there will be an additional $10 late fee!


  1. PASSION LA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: PassionLA Teen Program is looking for volunteers to help transform the lives of teens. If you would like to volunteer contact Bobby Lopez or email Admin@PassionLA.org so we can submit your name as a candidate to the ops team.


Prayer Requests

  1. TEEN RETREAT: Please pray for the youth and youth leaders to encounter God in a life transforming way as they are at the Oaks Conference Center this holiday weekend for a Teen Retreat!

    2. KEEP LOOKING ON JESUS: Please pray that we would keep looking on Jesus to be            transformed in freedom over sin and unforgiveness!  

2/6/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“I have learned that in order to keep my relationship healthy and alive and strong – yes, Jesus is always there, he will never leave your side – but, you need to be active in your pursuit of Him…you have to show up. See that pursuit is what strengthens relationship.” Jessica Guerrero


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “The Prodigal, Revisited” given by Jessica Guerrero


  1. PASSION LA YOUTH FUNDRAISER: Please support the youth group to go to their annual teen retreat next weekend by purchasing pancake breakfast tickets for $10.  To purchase tickets you can Venmo Candiss Pierre-Louis (@Candiss-Pierre-Louis).  The event will be Sunday 2/10 at Applebees in Alhambra from 8am-9:45am.


  1. SUNDAY 2/10 LUNCHEON: Lunch this Sunday 2/10 will be provided by the Ortegas, in thanks for your prayer support of Dennis and his family in the passing of his mother.  Please bring a dish or dessert to share if you’re able!    


  1. ALL CHURCH SPRING RETREAT DEPOSIT DEADLINE: Our all church spring retreat is from Fri. 5/3 to Sun. 5/5!  Please sign-up here and put down your deposit ($30 for individuals, $60 for families) to secure your spot BY SUN. 2/17. After that there will be an additional $10 late fee!  


Prayer Requests

1. ACTIVELY PURSUE JESUS: Please pray that we would actively pursue our relationship with Jesus as He pursues us shamelessly and relentlessly!

1/30/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Nothing and no one else but JESUS can actually walk with us and transform us THROUGH the suffering. Any comfort, apart from Jesus, is a false comfort. That is why God calls us out of our comfort zones to find comfort in HIM, yes especially in the suffering.” David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “All in All – Part 1: God is All in All in Our Suffering




  1. POTLUCK POSTPONED: Because of Super Bowl activities this Sunday 2/3, that different families are hosting, we will postpone our monthly church Potluck lunch for the following Sunday 2/10.  


  1. PASSION LA YOUTH FUNDRAISER: Please support the youth group to go to their annual teen retreat by purchasing pancake breakfast tickets for $10. The event will be Sunday 2/10 at Applebees in Alhambra from 8am-10am.


  1. COMMIT TO A LIFE GROUP TO GROW: We cannot, and are not meant to, do this life on our own – we need community!  Check this link for more information on life groups that meet during the week!  


Prayer Requests

1. FIND OUR COMFORT IN JESUS: Please pray that we would find our comfort in Jesus, in the midst of suffering, and that we’d share the comfort we’ve received with others.

1/23/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“…remember God chose you and brought you to THIS church of all places…and he has good work for you to step into, good work that only you are shaped to step into in caring for the ENTIRE person, people only you are uniquely connected to!”David Kitani


If you missed the message this past Sunday or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “New Life Identity – Part 1: Caring the ENTIRE Person



  1. COMMIT TO A LIFE GROUP TO GROW: We cannot, and are not meant to, do this life on our own – we need community!  Check this link for more information on life groups that meet during the week!  


  1. CHURCH TEXT GROUP: Please sign up for our church text group to get important church-wide announcements for critical moments and reminders.  They are only one way texts so you will NOT be overwhelmed by replies! To join, send a text to the number 81010 that says @new-life-c

Prayer Requests

  1. CARE FOR THE ENTIRE PERSON: Please pray that we would be people who care the entire person: physically, relationally, and spiritually AS Jesus has loved us entirely!

1/16/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

The reason you need to have a no excuses whatever it takes mentality…is because you need to remember that you are royalty…as a member of royal family…God believes that you can represent Him in this world so you need to believe that.  You need to commit to the church to live in that.” – Pastor Chris Rattay  

If you missed the final message this past Sunday of Pastor Chris before his 5 month medical leave, or want to listen to it again, here is a the link to the audio of the message: “My Letter to New Life Church



  1. COMMIT TO A LIFE GROUP: We cannot, and are not meant to, do this life on our own – we need community!  Check this link for more information on life groups that meet during the week!  
  2. OPEN MIC / KARAOKE NIGHT: Our Youth Group, PassionLA, is hosting an Open Mic / Karaoke Night fundraiser this Sat 1/19 at 6pm @3516 N Broadway.  $1 entrance fee, raffle tickets, food and drinks will be sold. All proceeds will go to the Teen Winter Camp.

Prayer Requests

  1. LIVE LIKE HIS ROYAL FAMILY: Please pray that we would receive His call as His chosen people to be a royal family, committing our lives to Jesus and his family to represent him in this world!  
  2. DENNIS ORTEGA: Please keep Dennis Ortega, our buildings caretaker, in prayer as he continues to need healing from a muscle virus and his mother’s passing suddenly Saturday night.
  3. LAUSD TEACHER STRIKE: Please pray for justice, especially for those schools struggling most, and quick & fair resolution to what the local public schools need!

1/9/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“We are always to be asking Jesus, how am I to die to myself in order to truly live, in order to help multiply me into someone else’s life?… If you want more of God’s power in your life and if you want more of his presence in your life you need to die to more of yourself.” – Pastor Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday, along with a very important announcement from Pastor Chris about his medical leave, or want to listen to it again, here is the link to the audio of the message: “New Year, New Death, New Life!



1. PASTOR CHRIS MEDICAL LEAVE: Due to Chris’ health condition his Board of Advisors has mandated that he take a medical leave from ministry until the beginning of June.  Pastor Dave will be stepping in as Interim Lead Pastor and a team of church leaders will be stepping up in various ways during this time.  Please listen to this past Sunday’s message for more details.


2. COMMIT TO A LIFE GROUP: We cannot do this life on our own, we need community!  Here are the life groups that have been meeting:

  • Matthew 25 Group, Mondays at 7pm @location varies (contact Teresa K.)
  • PassionLA Youth Group, Wednesdays at 6:30pm @Young Nak Celebration Center Building (contact Mark)
  • Spanish Group, Wednesdays at 6:30pm @location varies (contact Ruben)
  • El Sereno Co-Ed Group, Thurs at 7pm @Andre’s home (contact Alicia or Chase)
  • Ladies Group, Thurs at 6:30pm @location varies (contact Isabel)


3. NEW LIFE GROUPS: If you are not currently part of a life group we also have new / re-launching groups that will meet starting this week:

  • Co-ed Group (Lincoln Heights), Wednesdays at 6:30pm @church (contact Adriana)
  • Men’s Recovery Group, Thursdays at 7:30pm @Dave’s house (contact Dave)


Prayer Requests

1. TO DIE TO OURSELVES FOR TRUE LIFE: Please pray that in 2019 we would die to ourselves so that we could truly live, full of the life of Jesus and benefiting not just ourselves but others! 

2. LIFE GROUPS: Please pray for all of us to get connected to life groups regularly during the week so that we can grow together into the fullness of God’s life for us!  



01/02/2019 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“May we experientially know this love that is so wide that it reaches out to others, so long that it cannot be stopped, so high that it takes us to places we didn’t think possible, and so deep that it reaches us no matter how far we have strayed.” – David Kitani

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again to empower you into 2019, here is a the link to the audio of the message “How Wide, How Long, How High, How Deep.


  1. 1/6/2019 POTLUCK SUNDAY AND BABY SHOWER FOR CHRISTIAN & WENDY: This Sunday (the first of 2019) we’ll be having our usual potluck Sunday after service along with a baby shower for Christian & Wendy’s baby due in February!  Please bring a dish to share!

Gifts are optional but if you would like to splurge on the parents-to-be, they are registered at Target (target.com/registry under Wendy or Christian Perez). Bring a pack of diapers to be entered into a raffle to win a prize!


Prayer Requests

  1. TO BE ROOTED IN THE LOVE OF JESUS: Please pray that in 2019 we would grow to more intimately know how wide, long, high, and deep is His love for us in such a way that we would overflow with His love to others!  
  2. DENNIS ORTEGA: Please pray for Dennis Ortega, the caretaker of this building, for healing of his body from a rare muscle virus that is making a lot of pain on his muscles including his heart.  

12/26 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“Our God is cooperative. He invited Mary in, He invited Joseph in to fulfill this mission. He didn’t invite them because He needed them, He invited them in because He wanted them in.” – Bobby Lopez

If you missed the Christmas message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the message “God Determines Your Worth.”


  1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West is a mission gathering put on by our church conference in SD on Fri. Jan 24 – to Sat Jan 25 of 2019.  Please let Dave (david.kitani@servantpartners.org) know if you have registered on your own at www.WorldMandateWest.com.  *The first 20 people who sign up will get $20 back from the church to pay your way!!

2. 1/6/2019 POTLUCK SUNDAY AND CHRISTIAN & WENDY BABY SHOWER: Not this coming Sunday but the next Sunday (the first of 2019) we’ll be having our usual potluck Sunday along with a baby shower for Christian & Wendy’s baby due in February!

Prayer Requests

  1. GIVING OUR 100% TO JESUS: Knowing that God has already given his 100% through Jesus, please pray that we would give our 100% toward our relationship with him to walk with value, purpose, and Him!     

12/19 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Update

“”Then I turned to my right and beyond the mountains I seen this beautiful sparking white castle with a white road leading to it. And at that time I felt so comforted. I tried taking a picture and it wouldn’t come out. I got home and told Tavo about it; I was so excited. And he said it was for my eyes only. It was God’s Kingdom.” – Eileen

For those of you who missed the powerful testimonies (from Angie, Eileen, and Juan) and the word from Chris, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the message from Sunday, “Baptism Testimonies”.   



1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West is a mission gathering put on by our church conference in SD on Fri. Jan 24 – to Sat Jan 25 of 2019.  Please let Dave (david.kitani@servantpartners.org) know if you have registered on your own at www.WorldMandateWest.com.  *The first 20 people who sign up will get $20 back from the church to pay your way!

2. HOLIDAY MEAL FOR THE HOMELESS: Council District 1 is hosting showers and holiday meal for the homeless THIS Saturday 12/22 from 12pm-2pm at the Lincoln Park Recreation Center Pavilion Area (near the gym), 3501 Valley Blvd., Lincoln Heights, CA 90031).  If you’d like to serve Jesus in the least of these, you can bring food or help serve food by arriving at 11am!


Prayer Requests

1. FRIENDSHIP WITH JESUS: Please pray that we would move from belief in Jesus to a real growing friendship with Jesus where following Him is the primary desire of our lives, no matter what the cost!