12/12 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Updates

“Don’t you know what happens when power is weaponized? If we use power in this way how are we any different? How is God’s dream for this earth any different than the nightmares of war and abuse and genocide and oppression…in this world? It is not to be this way with you…what manner of spirit are you living in? The spirit to kill and destroy or the Spirit to heal, to save, to bring new life?”


For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “The Power of Love” given by Chase Andre.   



  1. YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY: Our Youth Ministry, PassionLA is having a Christmas Party Wed Dec 12th at 6:30pm @Young Nak Celebration Center (120 S Ave 18).  THE PARENTS OF THE TEENS ARE INVITED!!! There’ll be a special dinner, raffle prizes, games, a Christmas message, & supervision for younger children, and so your whole family can come!  This is an opportunity to deepen your connection to the YM, and also help us reach the parents of the teens who aren’t as involved.


  1. WORLD MANDATE WEST: World Mandate West is a mission gathering put on by our church conference in SD on Fri. Jan 24 – to Sat Jan 25 of 2019. Please register on your own at www.WorldMandateWest.com BEFORE Dec 16th for $40 and let me (Dave – david.kitani@servantpartners.org) know when you do!  *The first 20 people who sign up will get $20 back from the church to pay your way!!


  1. BAPTISM SUNDAY: Please join us this Sun 12/16 for Baptism Sunday!  Eileen (Gus’ sister), Angie (Carol’s daughter), and Juan (one of the youth from PassionLA) will be sharing their testimonies and getting baptized!  Let’s give them our support!

Prayer Requests

  1. USING POWER TO LOVE: Please pray that we would use our God given power, not to give up or to hurt others, but to love and heal others!   
  2. WOMAN’S LIFE GROUP: Please pray for victory over darkness: the ability to see and seek Jesus first, for forgiveness, for family unity, for healing (physical and emotional), against depression, and against anger.  
  3. HAILE’S SURGERY: Pray for Haile (Sandra’s daughter) as she will be having surgery this week.

12/5 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Updates

“If you want to pray that our government will open up its borders, you need to first hear God tell you that you need to open up your home…Do not demonize people who are just living out on a public scale what you are living out. We got to hear this word for ourselves and then pray it and push it for those who have a lot of power. We need to all open up our homes, our hearts, and our lives to people that are different from us.”

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Seeking Shalom (Responding to the Migrant Crisis)” given by Pastor Chris Rattay.   



1. PACKING PARTY FOR MIGRANT CRISIS: Our church is partnering with Hope Church of East LA and churches in Tijuana to respond to the crisis. Please see this link on how you can contribute now (even the smallest contribution helps). This Sunday, 12/9, after church we’ll have a “packing party” to fill backpacks with donated supplies for migrants and families at the border.

2. VOICES RISING: This Sunday Voices Rising will be offered for sale at $15.  Our very own church members, Claudia Salazar and Teresa Ku-Borden, each wrote a chapter in the book, which was all written by women of color who share their stories of what they’ve learned following Jesus and serving people around the world!  Come talk to the authors and get the book as wonderful gift of testimonies of Jesus, so needed in this season!

3. YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY: Our Youth Ministry, PassionLA is having a Christmas Party Wed Dec 12th at 6:30pm. AND THE PARENTS OF THE TEENS ARE INVITED!!! There’ll be a special dinner, raffle prizes, games, a Christmas message, & supervision for younger children, and so your whole family can come!  This is an opportunity to deepen your connection to the YM, and also help us reach the parents of the teens who aren’t as involved.

Prayer Requests

1. MIGRANT CRISIS: Please pray that God would open up our hearts as well as our countries leaders hearts to help the most vulnerable in need, like the migrants at the border escaping danger and violence in their home countries.  

2. EILEEN: Please pray for healing and peace for our sister in Jesus, Eileen.  Pain has resurfaced in her pelvis, back, hip, and left femur from her accident this past spring and she was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, widespread pain of the muscles.

Helping with the Migrant Crisis

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

We have joined forces with our brothers and sisters from Tijuana to help the Migrants that have temporarily settled there to seek asylum.

As a church community we are asking for your support, we need your HELP. There are two ways you can help.


1. Donations

New Life Community Church will be collecting the following items to send to our brothers and sisters in TJ who are helping to distribute to those in need.  Please bring the items to church THIS Sunday 12/9 by 11:15am.  

  • Money- Dinero (give here on the line “relief fund”)
  • Tarps- Lonas
  • Tents- Carpas
  • Sleeping Bags- Bolsas de dormir
  • Hygiene Kits- paquetes de higiene
  • Socks- calcetines
  • Beanies- Gorros
  • Lightweight jackets and sweaters-chaquetas y sueteres
  • Backpacks- mochilas

Note: items can be new or in usable conditions (nuevos o condition usable)


2. Solidarity Trip (Staying in SD on Friday evening 12/14 and in TJ on Saturday 12/15)

  • You will need to register on your own for this trip by Sat. 12/8 for $60 (covers 2 meals, building supplies) 
  • There will be an additional cost for hotel stay Fri. night 12/14


PLEASE NOTE: If you are giving a donation OR have signed up for the Solidarity Trip, PLEASE call or text me, Adriana Villarreal, (323) 633-6319 by Friday December 7th.


11/28 NLCC Weekly Update

Sermon Updates

“Wherever our hearts are at, we can give ourselves to God. Maybe that means we need to stop ourselves at some point in the day and ask ‘Jesus, what do you want me to do today?’ Maybe we listen to His still small voice when we are interacting with people, even difficult people, throughout the day, of how to love them better…We trust Jesus and keep putting ourselves out there to love others. We don’t wait for the feelings. We take the actions of love and THEN the feelings will come.” – David Kitani

If you missed the message this past Sunday “Haters Gonna Hate, Christians Gonna Love” by Dave Kitani, or want to listen to it again (at least the final 3rd of the message which we recorded 😉 ) click this link for the sermon audio!


  1. Final Freedom Session: This coming Sunday morning will be our last Freedom Session on the topic of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join us if you’re interested at 9:15am!
  2. Potluck Sunday: This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of the month so that means potluck lunch! Bring a dish to share with your church family and lets enjoy some time together!
  3. Voices Rising Book Talk: Two sisters from our church each wrote a chapter in Voices Rising, a book written completely by women of color who share their stories of what they’ve learned following Jesus and serving people around the world. Claudia Salazar and Teresa Ku-Borden, will be speaking briefly about the book and offering it for sale for $15 on Sunday in the back sanctuary during our Potluck lunchtime!
  4. World Mandate West: World Mandate West is an annual conference put on by our church association in San Diego to encourage believers in their role in God’s kingdom plan. The early bird registration deadline for WMW is coming up soon! If you are interested in attending on the weekend of Jan 25-26th PLEASE contact Dave <david.kitani@servant.partners.org> as soon as possible! It is $40 for folks age 12 and up and $30 for children. If you’d like to volunteer at the event there will be a discount!

Prayer Requests

  1. Persevering Prayer for Chris: Pastor Chris, had another flare up of his colitis this weekend but thankfully he has avoided any ER trip. Please continue to persevere in prayer for our lead pastor’s full healing and recovery!
  2. Valeria: Doctors have found that Valeria (Liz Robledo’s teen daughter) had excessive fluid that got into her brain, causing headaches, nausea, and disruption of normal functions. Please pray for full healing in Valeria’s body and peace for the family.
  3. Love in Action: Please pray that we would give our hearts to God and he would empower us to love in action and in truth as needed for those in need!

Nov 14 NLCC Update

Sermon Updates

“How many people’s lives are you gonna change because you ran from sin? How many people who don’t even know Jesus right now, who aren’t even here now, are going to eventually be in eternity and with us because you said ‘That’s it, I’m cutting this sin off, I’m no longer dancing with the world. I’m running to my church family, I’m going to that one person, I’m going to my life group, I’m gonna confess that sin. I’m gonna get accountability. I’m gonna stick with it and I’m gonna say whatever it takes God. I’m gonna surrender.’ Church, God is inviting us to step up – to grow up and to take our promised land so we no longer live like slaves.”

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “State of the Church: Time to Take the Promised Land” given by Pastor Chris Rattay


  1. Freedom in Jesus: This Sunday, November 18, we have our third Freedom session at 9:15 AM at the church in rooms 24 & 25 upstairs. This next session will be on the topic of deliverance, and we encourage anyone interested to come out!

Prayer Requests

  1. Taking up our Promised Land: Please pray that we as a church family will grow into commitment, consistency, and be willing to do whatever it takes to cut off sin so that we can step into what God has for us as the Body of Christ here in this community.

NLCC Update 11/7

Sermon Updates

“On the other side of the spectrum is Bartimaeus who embodies everything we find uncomfortable and unattractive in this world…Yet, he is lifted up as the kingdom hero, the model of faith in the kingdom of God in this gospel…Will we give away everything to follow Jesus? Are we more desperate for Jesus then the next meal? The job promotion? Being respected? Are we willing to endure any kind of social persecution and rebuke to get more of Jesus?” – Chris Rattay

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, click the link below for the audio!


  1. Annual Member Meeting: This Sunday, November 11, we will be having our annual member meeting, to discuss some new developments as a church and approve a new church budget. Please come out, as we need at least 50% of our official church members to be there for us to hold a voting meeting! Please contact Dave <david.kitani@servantpartners.org> if you’re interested in becoming an official voting member of the church!
  2. Freedom in Jesus: Also, this Sunday, November 11, we have our second Strength in Jesus sessions at 9:15 AM. Our first session last week went really well, and we will be covering topics and learning practices from inner healing to deliverance.

Prayer Requests

  1. PRAISE & CONTINUED PRAYER FOR PASTOR CHRIS: Praise God, as with persistence in prayer, Chris has been able to eat solid food! Please continue to pray for peace for Chris as well as his full healing and recovery from Colitis, so that no surgery would be necessary.
  2. DESPERATION FOR JESUS: Pray that we would follow the example of Bartimaeus and be desperate for more of Jesus above everything and everyone else!

NLCC Update 10/31

Sermon Updates

“True spiritual leaders don’t have to ask for our respect because they inspire our respect. Let us think back on the good things that the spiritual leaders in our lives have modeled for us. Who are the leaders that if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have known Jesus? Who are the leaders that have kept you from worse damage in life because of their prayers?”

This past Sunday (10/28/18) we learned about why we ought to honor our leaders and took some time to honor our Pastor Chris and our leaders! Click to watch a video of a brief word and 4 testimonies from our church family!


  1. Freedom Session Sunday: Do you find yourself continuing to fall into unhelpful patterns? Are you stuck in your walk with Jesus? Do you want freedom in Jesus? We will be hosting our first Freedom Sessions this Sunday, Nov 4th, 9:15 am at church, covering topics and learning practices from inner healing to deliverance.
  2. Prop Party: We are rapidly approaching another election here in Los Angeles on Nov 6th. To help prepare for this, we are going to host a proposition party after church on Sunday, Nov 4th at 1:30pm. If you are interested in doing research on one of the races or measures please get in contact with us
  3. Annual Member Meeting: On November 11, we will be having our annual member meeting, to discuss some new developments as a church and approve a new church budget. Please come out, as we need at least 50% of our official church members to be there for us to hold the meeting!

Prayer Requests

  1. RESTORATION for Pastor Chris: Please continue to pray for Pastor Chris to receive God’s restoration and healing from colitis, as he has slowly begun introducing pureed food into his diet.
  2. HONORING our leaders: Please pray that we would be able to remember all the good things our spiritual leaders have modeled and taught us so and that we could imitate their faith.

NLCC Update 10/24

Sermon Updates

“Can we be a community of faith that never lets ourselves be apathetic about our friends? Let’s never be a community of faith that simply says ‘Look at what we got with Jesus, let’s just sit and enjoy it.’ It’s the equivalent of saying ‘We got all the food in town, who cares if everyone else is starving, let’s just eat up.'” – Chris Rattay

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Are you Desperate for your Friends?” given by Chris Rattay, y Aqui en Espanol.


  1. Prop Party: We are rapidly approaching another election here in Los Angeles on Nov 6th. To help prepare for this, we are going to host a proposition party after church on Sunday, Nov 4th. If you are interested in doing research on one of races or measures please get in contact by clicking here
  2. Freedom Sessions: Do you find yourself continuing to fall into unhelpful patterns? Are you in stuck in your walk with Jesus? Do you want freedom in Jesus? We will be hosting Freedom Sessions in the month of November starting Sunday, Nov 4th, 9:15am at church, covering topics and learning practices from inner healing to deliverance.
  3. Annual Member Meeting: On November 11,  we will be having our annual member meeting, open to both members and attendees, to discuss some new developments as a church, new elders, and approve a new church budget. We would love to see everyone (member and attendees) come out, as we need at least 50% of church members to be there for us to hold the meeting!

Prayer Requests

  1. STRENGTH for Pastor Chris: Please continue to pray for Pastor Chris to receive God’s healing and strength, over colitis, as he works through his liquid diet.
  2. DESPERATION FOR OUR FRIENDS: Pray for God to enlarge our hearts and fill us with boldness to love our friends who need Jesus.

NLCC Update 10/17

Sermon Updates

“Do you know that God loves it when we vent to Him? He loves it when we cry out to Him? He’d much prefer it than if we take it out on our spouse or our children, or we just go and veg out for 4 hours to movies. Take it out on God.” – Chris Rattay

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Jesus, Give us the Faith to Pray” (y Aqui en español)


  1. Book Release: Two of our very own church members (Teresa Ku-Borden and Claudia Salazar) have written chapters in a book called Voices Rising: Women of Color Finding and Restoring Hope in the City that is being released for purchase online TODAY (10/17)! It is an amazing book capturing the true life modern stories, struggles, and faith of women in service and mission in cities around the world!
  2. D-School 2019 Application: If you are interested in growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus in 2019, you should strongly consider applying to New Life’s D-School. To get the application, contact david.kitani@servantpartners.org, and make sure to turn it in by Nov 4th!
  3. Proposition Party: We are rapidly approaching another election here in Los Angeles on Nov 6th. To help prepare for this, we are going to host a proposition party after church on Sunday, Nov 4th. If you are interested in doing research on one of races or measures, sign up here or contact Thomas Irwin at thomasirwin13@gmail.com

Prayer Requests

  1. Church Power: Please pray for literal power to be available this weekend, as electricians are scheduled this Friday to upgrade our power grid in the whole church building.
  2. Pressing Into Prayer: Please pray that we would honestly press into prayer, asking for the faith to believe God can work not only in others but in us as well!

NLCC Update 10/10

Sermon Audio

Men, we have no idea the unique struggle of being a woman. And to follow the model of Jesus is to empathize with them, to listen to their story with compassion. 1 out 3 woman have been sexually assaulted…Men, we have driven this thing about woman just being valued about their bodies and sex for so long and in so many different ways and its causing our daughters and our wives and our mothers to have live on a daily basis looking over their backs. Women, I am sorry, on behalf of men….if we are the source of the problem we are a part of the healing.” – Chris Rattay

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday, “Jesus Getting Messy with Your Identity” given by Chris Rattay



  1. WORKS Community Report: WORKS, the Affordable Housing Developer on the 5 lots in Lincoln Heights, will be holding a meeting tonight (10/10) from 6-8pm at Sacred Heart to report back on what they have gathered from listening to the community over the past 6 months. This development will have a big impact on the community, so we encourage our whole church family to come out to the meeting!


Prayer Requests

  1. ANSWERED PRAYER REQUEST!  Gus’ hip replacement surgery was a success and Isabel shared that even there nurses were amazed by his recovery!
  2. Pastor Chris and Faith Beyond Fear: Pray for healing for Chris as his colitis took a downward turn in the past couple weekends.  Please also pray for any other area you need to press in with Jesus past fear and into faith for breakthrough.  
  3. Bobby and Mayra Lopez: pray for Bobby and Mayra as Pastor Bobby will be full-time staff with Passion LA, that serves at-risk youth in our community, but with less financial support that they will need to raise in the coming year.