NLCC Update 10/3

Sermon Updates

Jesus only leads us through our fears to grow our faith, transform our lives, and deepen our relationship with him…Jesus tells us every day do not fear, only believe.” – Vero McClane

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermons from Sunday, “Do Not Fear, Only Believe” in English and “El Poder de la Palabra” in Spanish.


  1. D-School Interest Meeting: If you are interested in growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus, this Sunday (10/7) after church, there will be a D-School (Discipleship School) Interest Meeting for all who are interested in participating next year. D-School will run from Jan to July of next year.
  2. WORKS Community Report: WORKS, the Affordable Housing Developer on the 5 lots in Lincoln Heights, will be holding a meeting next Wednesday (10/10) from 6-8pm at Sacred Heart to report back on what they have gathered from listening to the community over the past 6 months. This development will have a big impact on the community, so we encourage our whole church family to come out to the meeting!
  3. Potluck Sunday: This coming Sunday (10/7) is potluck Sunday.  So please bring a dish to share and enjoy our time to connect and spend time with our church family!

Prayer Requests

  1. Gus: Pray for Gus for a speedy and full recovery from his hip surgery that happened this Tues (Oct. 2nd)!
  2. Faith: Pray for faith in Jesus over fear to move forward into what God is calling us in our lives and as a church family!

NLCC Update 9/26

Church Family, we hope this weekly update finds you doing well!

Sermon Update

“When He calls you ‘my son, my daughter’, let’s believe Him and stop treating God like a stranger. He can heal us and show us what a true Father is like, where our earthly fathers have failed to.”

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, here is a link to the sermon from sunday, “Being True” given by Dave Kitani (only english this week)


  1. D-School 2019: If you are interested in growing deeper in your relationship with Jesus and further in your impact for Him, please prayerfully consider D-School (Discipleship School) with New Life. The class of 2019 D-School applications will be available starting in October.
  2. Housing Rights Workshop: Housing insecurity an issue we as a church have seenHousing Rights Workshopaffect many in our church family. This coming Wednesday, October 3rd, Sacred Heart Church and LA City will be hosting a workshop on tenants rights and responsibilities in Los Angeles, which aims to help empower those who may feel insecure in their housing. The meeting will last from 6:30-8, and will be at 2821 Baldwin Ave. Lincoln Heights, CA. 90031. Street parking and Spanish translation available.

Prayer Requests

  1. Gus Galvan: Pray for Gus, as he prepares for surgery on his hip this coming Tuesday (October 2nd), and for the surgery, that it would be safe and successful, and that he would be pain free soon!
  2. Passion LA: Our youth ministry’s new merged meeting this past Wednesday saw 10 teens accept Jesus. Praise God for this, and pray that those 10 would keep coming back, and that even more teens would commit to coming, and being a spiritual family together!
  3. Being True to Our Word: After the sermon this sunday, pray that God would help us to know what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to in this season of life and to follow through on what we’ve said “yes” to!

NLCC Update 9/19

Sermon Updates


  1. WORKS at New Life: WORKS, the affordable housing developer who is heading the new housing project in Lincoln Heights, is coming to New Life this Sunday after church at 1:30pm. The New Life Housing Team would like to invite anyone interested come out! If you are interested in learning more or have questions

Prayer Requests

  1. Passion LA: Pray for our youthPassion LA ministry, and youth ministers, as they enter the 2nd week of their new Wednesday night ministry “Passion aLA.” Last week, 84 teens came out to the launch day. Pray that those youth would continue to come and that the group would begin to become a family to one another.
  2. Church Community: on the heels of last week’s service, pray that God would help us to reach out of our comfort zones to love the family of God and be one as God is one

NLCC 9/12 Update

Hey Everyone! Hope this weekly update finds you doing well!

Sermon Updates

Desperate people are the most courageous people. In our desperation, we discover what we truly believe about God. And in our desperation, we discover if we are made up of faith or fear.” – Pastor Chris

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to listen to it again, click this link for the audio!


Young Life Prayer Night

  1. Young Life Worship and Prayer Night: Join East LA Young life in a night of Worship and prayer for their ministry on the Eastside, on Saturday 9/15 at 7pm. The event will be at “The House Church” at 2302 E 2nd St. Los Angeles CA 90033.
  2. Affordable Housing in Lincoln Heights: Join WORKS and GTM Holdings as they are hosting a community meeting for the Lincoln Heights 5 developments (LH5) to get community input on potential building styles. The meeting will be Thursday, Sep 13, 6-8pm and will be held at 2808 Altura Street, Los Angeles CA 90031.

Prayer Requests

  1. ANSWERED PRAYER REQUEST! Air conditioning work is back under way at an affordable price!
  2. Pastor Chris: Pray for Pastor Chris’ continual strength and healing for his Colitis and intestinal issues.
  3. Desperation for Jesus: Pray for desperation for Jesus in overcoming chronic issues!

NLCC Weekly Update 9/5

We hope this new weekly update finds everyone doing well!

1) Sermon Audio

“As we started to read the Bible, read the scripture, these powerful life-changing words, they grabbed hold of my heart. God immediately broke me down and I let my guard down. And then I started asking questions and then I connected Jesus’ truth to my life. By the time I left, I wanted more and I could no longer put the Bible down.” – Gustavo Galvan

If you missed the message this past Sunday, or want to give it another listen, here is the link to “The Power of Jesus” by Chris Rattay and Gus Galvan (only English this week):

2) Announcements

  1. Young Life Worship and Prayer Night: Young Life Prayer NightJoin East LA Young life in a night of Worship and prayer for their ministry on the Eastside, on Saturday 9/15 at 7pm. The event will be at “The House Church” at 2302 E 2nd St. 90033.
  2. Hospitality Volunteers: We are still looking for volunteers to serve in our hospitality ministry at church on Sundays. To sign up, follow this hospitality survey link, or contact Lezly ( or Dave (
  3. Affordable Housing in Lincoln Heights: Join WORKS and GTM Holdings as they are hosting a community meeting for the Lincoln Heights 5 developments (LH5) to get community input on potential building styles. The meeting will be Thursday, Sep 13, 6-8pm and will be held at 2808 Altura Street, 90031.

3) Prayer Requests

  1. Pastor Chris: Pray for Pastor Chris’ continual strength and healing for his Colitis and Intestinal issues
  2. Powerful Witness: Pray that we’d submit to and be filled with God’s power to be bold witnesses for Him.
  3. Air Conditioning: Pray that God would grant us favor for an honest, affordable, and fair resolution to the completion of the A/C unit in the front sanctuary.

8/29 NLCC Weekly Update

Welcome to the new, weekly church updates! This will be published every week so that we as a church can better ensure everyone stays in touch and up to date throughout the week!

1) Sermon Audio

For those of you who missed it, or want to give it another listen, here is a link to the sermon from Sunday: “Servidor del Mundo” given by Vero McLane (only in Spanish this week)

2) Announcements

Here are some announcements and events to keep in mind this week:

  • Tutoring: If you have a child or youth grades K-9, the Lincoln Heights Tutorial Program is still taking in new students for the fall. The free Tutoring program is from 4:30p-6p Mon-Weds at the church location! If you’re interested please, go to office #3 on the 2nd floor during the weekday or call 323-223-2509.
  • Hospitality Volunteers: We are still looking for volunteers to serve in our hospitality ministry at church on Sundays. To sign up, follow this volunteer survey, or contact Lezly ( or Dave (
  • Potluck: This upcoming Sunday (9/2) is potluck Sunday! Please bring a dish to share with the congregation!

3) Prayer Requests

Here are some prayer requests be praying for this coming week:

  1. Pastor Chris: that he would have continued strength and healing for his Colitis and Intestinal issues
  2. Service: That we as a church would be filled with the love of Jesus to serve others like Christ has served us
  3. Life Groups: That our Church’s leaders and life groups would be renewed and strengthened so that more people can be reached and deepened in Jesus